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The bloody combat continues, the siren planes try to attack the allied fleet, but the Imperial and Azur Lane planes avoid disaster, in addition Zumwalt uses the short-range anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down the enemy planes, Orochi was being pushed back.

Orochi: Well I guess I don't have a choice anymore.

At that the battleship Orochi begins to shine and then at the stern of the ship an intercontinental missile is prepared to fire, surprising the girls present.

At that the battleship Orochi begins to shine and then at the stern of the ship an intercontinental missile is prepared to fire, surprising the girls present

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Denver: [Aneki, what is that?]

Cleveland: [I don't know, but if it's from the siren that means it's not good at all.]

Prinz Eugen looks at this enemy weapon very similar to a massive rocket, then she begins to analyze it with her eyes.

Eugen: (Analytical voice) It looks very similar to the Vergeltungswaffe 2 rocket.

Yuudachi: (Not knowing anything) Vergel...?

Tester: Not a bad assumption, what you see is a weapon from the future that is a hundred times better than you Vergeltungswaffe 2. This weapon is far beyond your understanding.

Enterprise looks at Orochi's ballistic missile and in that she remembers the conversation she had with Ash and also Zumwalt's technical description of this weapon.

Enterprise: That weapon ... We must stop the launch of that thing! [Zumwalt, Orochi is about to fire that weapon! Stop her at all costs!]

Me: [I'm on it! I'm hacking the Orochi AI right now!]

Enterprise: [Shoot something!]

Me: [If I do that, we're all going to die from the explosion! Don't take that weapon lightly! If the weapon detonates by accident, no one will be saved!]

Enterprise: ¡TCH!

Zumwalt attempted to hack into Orochi's AI, but she was not fast enough as when she managed to break the computer's security codes the missile was fired.

The girls look at all this somewhat surprised.

Illustrious: What a wicked presence.

Wales: (Thoughtful) Where is that thing going? (Realizes something) Impossible! Can that weapon reach the base?

Orochi looks at the direction of the ICM while smiling in a very refined way.

Orochi: Destroy the enemy unilaterally from a very far distance, that's the evolution of weapons ... the power to destroy the enemy base from across the ocean ... in a nutshell a power to deter any enemy that seeks to attack you.


Me: Damn! I wasn't fast enough!

Enterprise: [Zumwalt! The missile was fired! I'll go intercept it!]

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