Chapter 1

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Oh no. This has to be a dream or hallucination! I am not a ghost again! Okay, okay, wait. This can't be real. This is my room, and it's completely empty! But... Why did the stamp appear again? Before I could do anything, someone walked in the door.

"Ms. Patterson, your table is ready." The boy says.

"My table?" I ask.

"Yes, he is expecting you."

"Who?" He walked away before I could get an answer. 

I slowly walk out of the room and to the stage. I think I know what's going on. And I don't like it. I look around to see if there are any guards around, and luckily there aren't. I ran into an empty room nearby. Hopefully, the 'performance' will be over soon so I can leave.

"Emma?" I turn around and see my friend, Willie.

"Willie? How are you- Wait, does that mean-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the star of our show, Caleb Covington!" The announcer says. I signal for him to be quiet before looking out the door.

"Oh my gosh." I whisper.

"Thank you all for being here! Now, this song represents someone who has tragically disappeared from the club. In fact, she was the most recent lead singer." Caleb says with the most evil grin. I cross my arms and look down. I don't want to be remembered here. Not after everything I've gone through. "Let's begin!" He cues the band to start playing and walks closer to the front. The lights start to dim and turn red.

In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning

And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be

It scared me out of my wits

A corpse falling to bits!

Then I opened my eyes

And the nightmare was, me

I was once the most mystical man in all Hollywood

When the ghosts betrayed me they made a mistake

My curse made each of them pay

But one little girl got away

Little Emma, beware

Caleb's awake

Oh my gosh. This can't be real. I'm not going to get out of here. 

In the dark of the night evil will find her

In the dark of the night just before dawn!

Revenge will be sweet

When the curse is complete

This is not a good sign at all.

In the dark of the night

She'll be gone

I can feel that my powers are slowly returning

Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell

As the Pieces fall into place

I'll see her crawl into place

Do Svidaniya, Emma, Your Grace


In the dark of the night terror will strike her!

Terror's the least I can do!

In the dark of the night evil will brew.

Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real.

In the dark of the night

She'll be through!

In the dark of the night

Evil will find her

Find her!


In the dark of the night terror comes true.

Doom her!

My dear, here's a sign

It's the end of the line

In the dark of the night

In the dark of the night

In the dark of the night

Come my minions

Rise for your master

Let your evil shine

Find her now

Yes, fly ever faster

In the dark of the night

In the dark of the night

In the dark of the night

She'll be mine!

The crowd goes wild as he laughs and bows. He signals his henchman as they start running around. Oh no, they're looking for me.

Before Willie could do or say anything, I ran out the door as fast as possible. All of a sudden, I got teleported to a different room. I try opening the door and escaping, but it's locked.

"Hello Emma, did you miss me?" He chuckles. Oh no.

Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been awhile. Senior year has been crazy so far. Good thing is my classes are easier this term. I promise I will update soon! Also, I hope you liked the song. I did change the names in the song. If this isn't right, let me know and I'll change it! Hope fall is going well and you enjoyed this chapter!

The Hollywood Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now