Chapter 14

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I grab my coat and get ready to head out of the club. I think it's time to pay the boys a visit.

I arrive at the studio and hear the guitars and drums playing.

"Okay, stop! This song isn't working!" Luke yells. How does that surprise me?

"What else can we do?" Reggie asks.

"I-I don't know-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Is everything alright?" Julie asks.

"No. I-I just miss my sister. It's like she came back into this world as a different person. And I guess I just can't understand why."

"Well we don't know her side of the story. So we can't just assume she purposely came back this way." Alex says.

"Alex is right, Luke. I mean, I still think it was Caleb's plan to bring her back and change her." Reggie agrees.

"I'm trying to believe that. It's just hard to really know if it's not her true self telling the truth." Luke whispers.

"Let's not stress about it. We have a gig happening soon. And we need to practice." Julie suggests.

"And where do you think you are going?" I ask as I teleport and sit on the piano.

"Why are you here?" Luke asks.

"Ouch, so much for a welcome. I just came to congratulate you on your success. Even after escaping the club the first time." I smile.

"We know you're not really here for that." Julie says.

"Fine, you got me." I chuckle. "I'm just surprised you thought you could all get away this time."

"Just because we got stamped doesn't mean we're going to fall for anything again!" Alex says.

"You're right," I shrug, "the stamp can only do so much. Plus, I guess we never saw anyone get to the end, yet."

"Why stamp them in the first place, then?" Julie asks.

"To see if they'd come back, of course! However, I see that my plan didn't work. So, I guess it's time to take things up a notch." I hop off the piano and walk towards Julie. She starts to back up as the boys take a step forward. "I suggest you boys stay away. That is, unless you want to make things worse."

"Don't go near her." Luke says.

"Or what? You're going to hurt me, like you did before? Oh, I'm so scared." I say sarcastically.

"She didn't do anything wrong!" He yells.

"Oh, I know. But you did." I grab her arm and pull her back. "And that's why I made this plan. To take away the one thing you truly care about. Anyways, I hope to see you all soon. Otherwise, you might not see your little friend again!" I laugh before teleporting away with Julie.

We arrive back at the club, where I plan to keep her. I take her to a room downstairs and push her in there.

"Ah, home sweet home! I hope you enjoy your stay. I know I will!" I chuckle before turning around.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks. I pause and turn back around, sighing.

"To bring the boys back, duh!" I say.

"I thought you tried to keep them away before you disappeared."

"Ugh! How many times do I have to explain this? I am not Emma Patterson!" I yell.

"You can keep telling yourself that, but we know it's not true." She says.

"It's funny how you care so much about who this Emma girl is. It's not like you ever really met her until she was gone."

"You're right. Even though I recall her promising my mother to watch after me." I look down after she said that. "That's right, I remember."

"You know, she would have kept that promise if it weren't for those boys betraying her." I sigh.

"What did they do wrong?" She asks.

"Hmm, last I recalled, they forgot about her and made a new band! And it was just to get their fame back! Or better yet, even before when they would leave her out of everything and never give her credit! So before we make assumptions about this Emma girl, why don't we take a look at her past?" I shout.

"I-I'm sorry, Emma."

"It's not like you knew." I sigh. "You know, Julie, you're a good person. And I hope you know none of this is your fault."

"But you're hurt because of me." She whispers.

"That's not true. You're actually my favorite part of the band."

"Really?" She asks as I nod my head. "Wow, thanks."

"Anytime." I turn around and get ready to walk out the door. "Also, I hope this Emma friend of yours returns soon. I think she just needs to find the right way back."

"I hope so too." She smiles as I head out the door.I walk around the club before heading to my room. The crowd still looks pretty big. Perfect. They can help me for my next performance.

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