Chapter 17

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I stand there in complete silence. While Caleb stands there with a huge grin on his face.

"I see you've returned...again. Did your little 'mission' succeed, yet? Or is it still in the process, like mine?" I ask.

"I don't think mine is much of a concern. You made a promise, dear." Caleb says.

"And I haven't broken it yet! In fact, it just so happens my plan is coming along." I say.

"Oh? And what is that?" He asks.

"Well, since your attempt failed the first time, I decided to try it out."

"You stamped them?" He questions.

"Correcto." I chuckle.

"Wow, I'm impressed. You seem to get this ownership better than I expected." He says surprised.

"Well, it seems some roles require a little change in one's life." I say.

"Indeed it does. And yours seemed to be turning your back on your family." My smile turns into a frown all of a sudden.

"I didn't turn my back on them. I just didn't follow their path for once." I roll my eyes.

"And yet, their perspective on you has changed?" He asks.
"They're just not used to it." I lied.

"And they may never be. I mean, it's not like you can change back that fast." He says.

"You know, you never explained why you're here. And if it's just to guilt trip me, then-"

"Oh, nothing like that at all, dear. I just decided to... take a break on my 'little mission'."

"Okay? So you're just going to perform with us?" I ask.

"No, in fact, I'm here to take back my role as an owner.." My eyes widen as soon as he says that. "I will say, you impressed me with taking over.
However, it's time for you to go back to being a lead singer."

"Ha ha, so funny." I say sarcastically. "Actually, I think I'm good with staying where I'm at."

"Do you really think you have a choice?" He asks.

"I have as much power as you. Maybe even more. So yes, I do." I scoff.

"You clearly haven't been here long enough. Because no matter how much power you try to take from here, I'll always have the most. I did bring this club to existence, after all." He says.

"I'm not leaving this spot until I finish what's needed."

"You've already done your part, darling. Which is why I'm taking my position back."

"And that is?" I ask.

"Now that the boys are stamped, and they know who you truly are, there's no doubt they won't return."

"Well, that's great that I finished what was needed. However, I'm not moving down any positions. So, unless you want to tell the crowd what you have done to me, I'd suggest you go back to wherever you were. Because until Emma Patterson returns, I'm staying where I am at. Oh, and by the way, she'll likely never return!" I yell.

"No matter how much strength you believe you have, none of this is going to work. I know you tried stealing more power, but that doesn't make you stronger than me. And deep down, the innocent girl you were is still there." He says.

"You don't know that!"

"Oh, but I do. You think I wasn't paying attention while I was gone?" He asks.

"Fine, you caught me." I raise my hands as if I am surrendering. "Regardless, I'm not as weak as I used to be. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a show to perform. I'm already late, thanks to you. Let's not keep that audience bored anymore."

"I guess you're right. I can't simply make you stop being the owner. That's a position that is earned."

"Thank you." I turn around and start walking out.

"However, every owner must have their voice. Otherwise, there's no point in leading the group and entertaining the crowd. With that being said...." All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I gasp for air and fall to the ground. "I'll just have to take the one thing you need. Now, you have no choice but to step down."

I tried to yell, but nothing came out.

Oh no.

No no no no no.

My voice.... It's gone.

"Oh, and I'd stop trying to go after me. After all, I have the power to do anything. And that can include destroying you again. Let's not take that risk again, shall we?" He asks.

I just stare at him with the worst glare ever.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a crowd to entertain. Since you already failed to do that." He chuckles and teleports out.

Wow, he really got to me.

Well, not for long...

I'm getting my voice and position back.

No matter what it takes.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed these last few chapters! I'm sorry I've been inactive lately. Activities are just becoming busier at the moment. Anyways, I'll try updating more before the weekend ends!

Credits to VioletDawn0964 for giving me the ideas!

Have a great day!

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