Chapter 6

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As soon as the song was over, Iimmediately went to my room. After seeing the boys, I don't want to risk running into them. At least not now. I start taking my makeup off until I hear someone teleport in. I look at my mirror and see a boy in the reflection.

Oh no....

It's Luke. 

How did he know where I was? Why is he here? Okay okay, just act cool. Everything's going to be okay.

"Sorry, no fans allowed backstage." I say.

"Not even family?" He asks. I raise my eyebrow and turn around.

"And who is it that you're related to?" I ask.

"Emma? Emma Patterson." Luke says.

"Hmm Patterson... Oh! I remember her! Unfortunately, she has disappeared. No one knows where."

"Stop lying, Emma! You're right in front of me!" He shouts.

"I'm sorry, but I don't recall being related to- oh. I see the issue. You must be mistakening me for her because of my name." I walk over to him and reach out my hand. "Hi, I'm Emma Covington. Proud owner of the Hollywood Ghost Club!" He sits there and stares at me. "What? Too much?"

"T-This isn't real. You are NOT Emma Covington!"

"Says who? My doctor? Ha! Sorry, whoever you are-"


"Luke. But you clearly got me mixed up with someone else."

"Really? Then why does she look exactly like you?" He asks as he holds up a picture. I freeze for a second and then chuckle.

"What a weird coincidence." I laugh.

"It's not a coincidence! You are my sister!"

"Look, I don't know what's going through that tiny brain of yours. But that is not me! Your sister is gone, Luke!"

"How? How is she gone?!"

"Why don't you look at the previous owner? Do you ever think he did something?" I ask.

"What did Caleb do to you, Emma?" Luke asks with tears forming in his eyes.

"Me? Oh, nothing terrible! He just brought me to reality."

"Well, if this is your reality, then I don't want to be apart of it!" Ouch. That hurt. I look down and start tearing up.

"Fine then, the door is right there!" I say before turning around.

"L-Look, I'm sorry. I-I-"

"That's your choice whether or not to stay here. I'll still have a band, and a crowd. Everything that you've ever wanted. Oh! And did get, by the way."

"I never wanted to make anyone feel that way-"

"Well, look how that turned out? Your sister never got the chance to live that opportunity." I state.

"B-But she got to have her spotlight here-"

"And you think that was what she wanted?" I ask. Luke looks down and stays silent for a second. "Anyways, I'm sorry there was not a good enough change for this club. I tried to make it more entertaining. But, I won't be hurt if I lose a few audience members."

"Wait... since you're the owner, you have more power, right?" Ah, here we go.

"I believe so..." I smirk.

"So you could have the power to bring someone back, right?" He asks.

"Possibly. Depending on the person." I chuckle.

"I'll make you a deal then."

"Ooh! I love deals!" I smile.

"I promise I will stay longer at this club..." He says.

"Alright, and what is it that you would like?"

"My sister back." Oh... that was unexpected. Will it be worth it? Can I even do that? I shake my head in order to stop overthinking.

"Fine. Looks like we have a deal." I extend my hand for him to shake. He hesitates for a second. "What? Do you not trust me? Just like you couldn't trust your sister?" He sighs, then shakes my hand. "Oh, I almost forgot, there is one thing that hasn't changed here." All of a sudden, he feels a small burn on his arm. "Every deal comes with a price." He lets go of my hand and looks at his arm.

"D-Did you-"

"What? It's only a club stamp." I say with an evil grin.


"I told you that hasn't changed. Now you have no choice but to keep that little promise of yours." I chuckle.

"Fine. I'll stay here. Even with the stamp on. As long as you bring back the real Emma Patterson." He says.

"Cross my heart." I say. He teleports out as I sigh. 

I walk over to my desk and pull out a picture. It has Luke and his band, including his sister. A tear finally drops on the picture as I set it down.

"I'm still here, Luke." I whisper to myself.

The Hollywood Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now