Chapter 26

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Well, there I go again. Ruining another relationship of mine. What's the point? All I do is mess up. I should have just rejected the offer in the first place and went back to where I was. I wasn't meant to be here. I turn my mirror on and look at the boys. All I see is sorrow in their faces as they lay on the couch. I sigh before opening my mouth to say something.

If only you could know
The things I long to say
If only I could tell you
What I wish I could convey
It's in my ev'ry glance
My heart's an open book
You'd see it all at once
If only you would look

If only you could glimpse
The feeling that I feel
If only you would notice
What I'm dying to reveal
The dreams I can't declare
The needs I can't deny
You'd understand them all
If only you would try

All my secrets, you would learn them
All my longings, you'd return them
Then the silence would be broken
Not a word would need be spoken

Reggie sits up and sighs. All of a sudden, he bursts out singing...

What is it about her
That's so wonderfully, impossibly familiar?
Why do I feel dizzy
In a way I've only felt but once before?
How come when she looks at me
It seems like time stops moving
Almost like the way it did that day upon the shore?
But that voice!

Emma: If only it were true
If only for a while

Reggie: Ah, that voice!

Emma: If only you would notice
How I ache beneath my smile

Reggie: Where's that voice?

Emma: I guess you never will
I guess it doesn't show
But if I never find a way to tell you so
Oh, what I would give
If only you could know

Alex sits up and joins Reggie.

Alex: If only I knew how
I'd make him see the light
If only it were up to me
This all would turn out right
And if I only could
I'll tell you what I'd do
I'd simply wave my claw
And make your dreams come true
And wouldn't that surprise you
If you only knew

Finally, Luke stands up and joins.

Luke: How could she just suddenly
Completely disappear into thin water?
It's been two whole days
And I don't know where she has gone!

Reggie: Ah, that voice!

Luke: If only you'd come home...

Alex: If only I could help...

Reggie: Where's that voice?

Emma: If only there were time
I know we'd kiss at last

Reggie: That voice!

Luke: If only you'd come back
I'll change my ways!

Alex: Just one more day for that kiss to come...

Emma: But time keeps racing forward
And our moment's almost passed!

Luke: I'll try to understand...

Emma: It has to happen now...

Luke: I'll keep my temper low...

Alex: I'd give my life up to make it happen...

Luke: I should have started listening to you all along...

Reggie: How I wish that girl could have been this one!

Emma: There's only one more day until I have to go!

Reggie: If only...

Emma, Alex, and Luke: Oh, what I would give if only you could know...

Reggie: And at the ball
What will occur?
Maybe I'll find that voice
But I'll lose her...

Emma: If only...

Alex: If only...

Luke: If only...

I turn the mirror off and walk away.

It's too late....

The deal is broken at this point...

They will never come back...

Which can only mean one thing...

Hey everyone! I promise this is the last one for the night! Honestly I was listening to this and I was like oh my gosh it kind of works with this story! So yeah, that's how that happened. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying it so far! Have a great day!

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