Chapter 25

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I sigh as I hold a picture of Reggie and I. I shouldn't have said anything. Now, everything's back to where it all started. Before I could take another step, Luke appeared right in front of me.

"Why would you do that?" Luke asks.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Leave Reggie in the dirt! After everything he's done for you, and you treat him like this?!"

"It's not like that-"

"Then why is he heartbroken-"

"Because he took it the wrong way!" Luke freezes for a second as I look down. "I told him that it was him and I didn't want to tell him why."

"I-I don't understand..."

"You know how a villain can become good again? By knowing someone else cares. Reggie is the reason my kindness is fighting to come back. Because he never gave up on me."

"I didn't want to, Emma. But I had no choice-"

"That's always your excuse. And to think, you're the one who's blood-related to me. But, I guess it comes to show who the real villain is here."

"I'm the real villain? I didn't bring back the band just to take their souls away from them!" He shouts.

"And you think I wanted to do that? I have no choice, Luke! And yeah, I do get to use that excuse because it's true! Unless you want me to be gone for the rest of your life, this was the only way. Caleb made a deal, and that was to bring you all back. And you know for a fact how his deals go. They always come with a price! And what was that price? My entire life!" I yell.

"Look, I know it was hard for you. But you could have told us! Instead of letting us figure out why you've gone crazy-"

"There you go again! All you want to do is hurt me! Why do you think I stayed evil to begin with?" I ask.

"I did nothing to you!"

"Stop lying, Luke! All you ever did was ruin everything for me! My dreams, gone! My relationships, gone! My family, gone! All because of you! You can never just admit that you're wrong, can you? The world doesn't revolve around you, Luke. You're not always seen as the hero in this story!" I say.

"Wow, I never thought you felt that way..." He whispers.

"Clearly, otherwise you would have changed by now. See? I'm not the only one who needs to change."

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's too late to apologize, Luke. The damage is already done. And from what I can tell, it will never be fixed." I turn around and start walking away.

"I never meant to make you feel that way! Please, Emma. You're the only family I have left..."

"Well, look how that turned out. I'm sorry, Luke. But you gave up on me. Now, I'm giving up on you."

Before he says another word, I teleport out of the room. I look around for Willie, but he's nowhere to be found. I think I know where he is. I head over to the studio, where the boys hopefully are.

"And that's why this is all happening." I hear Willie say.

"Wow, I never thought emotions could be that effective with Caleb's power." Alex whispers.

"Unfortunately, anything's possible with his powers. That's why he owns the club."

"Oh my gosh, what have I done? I blamed her for everything! A-And-"

"It's not your fault, Luke. Deep down, she knows you didn't mean anything."  Willie interrupts.

Or did I?

How can I trust Luke at this point? He is the reason I am a monster.

I never wanted to hurt him. But, it was the only way to get it through his head. I can't see this anymore. I need to go back to where I belong.

The Hollywood Ghost Club.

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