Chapter 28

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"R-Rose?" I whisper.

"M-Mom?" Julie whispers.

"Hey, I'm back." Rose whispers.

"How?" I ask.

"I saw you were struggling. And it got to the point where you hurt your family. I had no choice but to come down and stop you." She explains.

"I-I never meant to hurt them."

"I know. It's not your fault. That's why we're all here to stop it."

"It's too late to go back... The power has taken control of my entire body." I say as I wipe my tears.

"Well, our power is much stronger. And that's called kindness. We just need yours back to finish the battle."

"Will you all even forgive me? After all I've done?" I ask quietly.

"Of course, just because something happened doesn't mean you're still not apart of our family." Reggie says.

"Thanks-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a shock in my stomach. I fall back and Reggie teleports over to catch me.

"What was that?" Luke asks.

"I-I don't know-"

"The stamp is back." We all turn around and see Willie.

"What do you mean it's back?" Alex asks.

"I have something to tell you all... The other day, I ran into Caleb. He knew that you were succeeding with your plan, Emma. And that meant you had just as much power as he did. Maybe even more. With that being said, he put the stamp back on you. That way, he'd have more power again." He admits.

"Why on earth would you let him do that?!" Reggie shouts.

"It's not his fault! Caleb has control over any ghost in this club. Believe me, if Willie had the power to stop this, he would." I say.

"That's what I was afraid of." Rose says.


"When I was watching over you, I knew something was up. Caleb wouldn't just give someone as much power as him like that. There had to be some sort of catch. I think his whole plan was just to get help bringing the boys back. And you were likely his last chance." She explains.

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because he knew if he could overpower you with your past, then your kindness would never beat it. And since you're close to them, they'd have no choice but to listen to you." She sighs.

"This is all my fault." I whisper.

"No, Emma, it's not-"

"If it weren't for me, none of you would go through this." I interrupt Reggie.

"You had no control, though." Julie says.

"Yes, I did. And I'm sorry." I walk over to Luke and grab his arm. I press my hand on his wrist as the stamp gets released. He gasps and looks up at me. I turned away before we could make eye contact. I walk over to Alex and do the same thing. Alex looks at me with his eyes widened. Next is Julie. I walk to her and her mom and sigh. "I'm sorry, Rose." She gives a small smile back as I tear up. She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay." She says. I nod my head as I unstamp Julie. Finally, I walk over to Reggie. Before I could grab his arm, he pulled me in for a hug.

"Don't ever be sorry for this again." He whispers. I nod my head and take his stamp off. I walk to the center and turn around.

"Thank you all for bringing back Emma Patterson. And I'm sorry..." Before I could say another word, I teleported away.

I can't let my family see me like this.

They've been heartbroken before.

I'm not going to risk that again.

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