Chapter 15

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"Emma!" I turn around and see Willie.


"Umm, I just didn't know if your next plan to bring the boys back worked." He says.

"Actually, it's been working pretty well so far. Now, we just have to wait until they come back."

"Well, I actually talked to Alex before realizing what happened. And I think they're going to be here soon."

"Excellent! Thanks for helping me out! Now, go get the performers ready. We got another show to perform." I chuckle as I teleport to my room. I grab a piece of music and start practicing the notes.

I think it's time to show the world who I really am.

I change into my dress and begin putting my makeup on. This performance is going to be so amazing! Let's just hope the boys get the message. After getting ready, I head backstage.

"Are you ready?" Willie asks.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." I sigh.

"Cool, I'll get the others."

"Willie!" I shout as he turns around. "Thank you. For everything."

"Yeah, of course." He says before walking away.

"Is everybody ready?" I ask the performers. They all cheer yeah in response. "Great! And remember, don't hold back. It's time we show what this club turned into."

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you... Emma Covington and the Hollywood Ghost Club!" The crowd goes insane as we all begin walking on.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I shout. "Now, before we begin, I'd like everyone to give a round of applause to the former band members of this club... Luke, Reggie and Alex!" Everyone starts clapping as they look around nervously. "And another round of applause for our special guest... Julie Molina!" The boys look back and see Julie sitting at a table. "So, many of you might not know me the greatest. Well, I think it's time we change that!" I cue the band to start playing as I grab a microphone.

How is it such a tragedy
When she would disappear
Let's go back to reality
When it never felt like she was here

Because I'm not invisible anymore
No I'm not forgotten
Or mistreated like before
Some say I became rotten
But I just started my anthem
And I hope everyone hears
I won't be like the one before
I'm the Hollywood Phantom

It's time for me to make a move
Even if they want to stare
Who cares if they disapprove
They can try me if they dare

Because I'm not invisible anymore
No I'm not forgotten
Or mistreated like before
Some say I became rotten
But I just started my anthem
And I hope everyone hears
I won't be like the one before
I'm the Hollywood Phantom

I'm the Hollywood Phantom

I'm the Hollywood Phantom

I remember when I used to be
Controlled, hurt, even shut out
I guess that was the 'old me'
That everyone was talking about

Who would ever go back
To a awful past they've had
Why don't we just go attack
The ones who made it bad

I'm the Hollywood Phantom...

I'm the Hollywood Phantom...

I'm the Hollywood Phantom...


Because I'm not invisible anymore
No I'm not forgotten
Or mistreated like before
Some say I became rotten
But I just started my anthem

And I hope everyone hears
I won't be like the one before
I'm the Hollywood Phantom

I drop my microphone after hitting the final note. I take a huge bow and teleport back to my room. Well, it looks like my plan is working. Ha! Who's the genius now? I hear someone teleport, all of a sudden.

"Well, look who decided to come back?" I ask as I start chuckling.

Hello everyone! Quick little thing... As you might have noticed, the song in this chapter doesn't seem to be on Spotify, YouTube, etc. Well... this is an original song!! This is the second song I've written, the first being invisible ghost. Anyways, that's just a fun little fact. I hope you liked it! Have a good thanksgiving!

The Hollywood Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now