Chapter 23

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"Hey..." I turn around and see Willie.

"Hey. Did you need something?" I ask.

"Umm, well I just saw Alex walking out. So I didn't know if-" I grab his hand before he finishes his sentence and teleport to a different room. I do not want anyone to hear what we're talking about.

"I messed up, Willie." I admit.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Ever since I came back, I just turned everything into a disaster." I sit down and put my hands over my face.


"Well, for starters, I turned my back on the boys. Even worse, I brought them back and stamped them! Then I took Julie and stamped her! And I told them all to leave after they got Julie back." I say as I start tearing up.

"I thought that's what Caleb wanted you to do." Willie says.

"He did! And I went along with it, which I shouldn't have! I ruined my family!" I fall to my knees and start crying.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's not your fault. They just didn't see you until Caleb was gone. So they don't know what happened to you." He whispers.

"But I've told them the story many times!" I say.

"Did you tell the exact truth?" He asks.

"I- No, I didn't." I sigh.

"So, why is it hard for you to bring back Emma Patterson?"

"Because her true colors appeared as soon as she realized what hurt her the most." I finally say.

"And that is?" He questions.

"Being abandoned and forgotten by her brother." I whisper.

"He really hurt you all these years, hasn't he?" He asks.

"Yeah, more than I ever thought." I responded.

"And unfortunately, the time you finally realized was when Caleb made you the owner." He says.

"It's not like my emotions were the only thing. Caleb did have the power to make me this way. I just was too weak to fight back." I admit.

"That's because you were hurt too much. Sure, kindness has its strength. But it can easily be fought out by pain and evilness."

"Why are you the only person who understands this?" I ask.

"Because I know what it's like. When I was still alive, my family hardly cared about me. And for a while, I was on Caleb's side." He admits.

"What made you go back to your true self?" I questioned.

"You, Emma. Ever since you came into the club, I knew I had to protect you. I didn't want you to become who I was. After that, my kindness finally came out." He says with a smile.

"Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks, Willie. For everything." I smile.

"No, thank you for coming into my life. Without you, I don't know who I would be."

"In that case, I think I'm ready." I whisper.

"Ready for what?" He asks.

"To fight for my kindness again." I say.

"Well, no matter what the boys decide, I'll always be by your side!" He gives me a high five after saying that.


"I will warn you, it takes time. And it's going to be a tough journey." He says.

"I know, but I'm willing to risk it. Especially for the people I love."

"Then let's get started. For starters, I think you should go find the person who you know loves you back." I give him a confused look then realization hits.

"Will he ever forgive me?" I ask.

"If he's the right person for you, then yes." He says.

I nod my head and get ready to teleport out.

Back to the studio I go.

But this time, to make the right move.

Hey everyone! Just a quick thing... I hope this gives you an idea of why Emma became/remained this way. If not, let me know! Thanks! Have a great day!

The Hollywood Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα