Chapter 2

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"It's been a while since you 'disappeared'! I've been waiting for this day-"

"Stay back!" I shout as I step back and hold my hands out.

"Ouch! I didn't think I was that scary!" He says offended.

"You hurt me twice. I'm not letting you do it again!" I yell.

"Oh? And since when did you have the power-" Before he could finish the question, a blast came out of my hands. Unfortunately, he blocked it just in time. "Wow! So you do have powers! It seems like you're not just a normal ghost." He chuckles.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you back in the club!" He grins.

"Forget it! I'm not joining again!" I say before walking away.

"Not even before I could offer something?" He asks. I stop for a moment and turn around.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Well, now that you've asked, I have a request for you. As you know, the plan to bring Sunset Curve to my house band failed." He frowns.

"Wow, I wonder why." I say sarcastically.

"Because of this," He ignores, "I have to change plans. And you are a part of it."

"Why do you want me?"

"I will be gone for a while. And I can't have this place left in the dust while I'm gone." Caleb explains.

"If you go near them, I will-"

"I won't, dear, I promise. In fact, this is nowhere related to the club."

"Okay? So what's next? The club won't have an owner?"

"That's why I'm counting on you. You will be the temporary owner of the Hollywood Ghost Club." He says proudly. My eyes widen as I step back.

"I-I'm sorry what-"

"If you want to come back into this world, this is your only option. You will perform in front of the crowd, as usual, but more often. You will also be in control of what happens. And don't worry, there will be henchmen and security. If we're lucky, the boys will show up eventually. That's when you have a task from me specifically." He explains. Wow, this is a great way to come back. Be threatened to disappear again.

"I am not going to hurt them!" I shout.

"Oh, you won't hurt them. You will just have to convince them to stay here forever."

"Yeah right, like they'll take that!" I roll my eyes.

"They better. If this plan fails, you will be gone forever. Your chances of being human or seeing anyone again will disappear. And there won't be a heaven to go to. I'll make sure of it. Do you want this to happen?" He smirks.

"N-No sir- Wait, I never agreed to this yet. So forget it, I'm not making any deals with you." I turn around and start walking away.

"I was afraid you were going to say that. Oh well, luckily I had a plan in mind." He freezes me in place. "Oh, and before I forget, there was never a way to back out of this." Before I could do anything, he blows purple dust that flies around me.

I start looking around in fear and try to get out of it. I start coughing and fall to the ground. It felt like I was going to be killed ahain. Oh no, what if it is that??

All I could hear were songs from the boys, Caleb, and even Julie. I started to scream and cover my eyes and ears. After a few seconds, I open my eyes as fast as possible.

The dust starts to disappear.

I step out of it and look at myself. I'm covered in dark clothing and makeup. Wow. That was a transformation. I don't feel any different.

I look straight forward all of a sudden and gasp. Realization had finally hit me. All those issues from my past 'ghost life' were not my fault. I was the innocent ghost. I was the ghost hurt the most. I was the invisible ghost. There was only one way to prove everyone wrong about who I am seen as. One word.


"Ah, finally. The once-innocent girl has finally snapped. And she is now the owner of the Hollywood Ghost Club. Are you ready to take over, Emma?" Caleb asks.

"You know Caleb, I always doubted you ever since I set foot in this place. But, you're right. Life really is good on the other side of Hollywood." I smirk as I start laughing.

Look out world...

Here comes Emma Covington!

And thus, the evilness continues! I know, I know, this is terrible. She went from innocent to evil all of a sudden. But there's always a reason to an event occurring... just you wait....

Also, I will eventually clean these stories up (1st book and this). When it comes to grammar and just better descriptions/dialogue, I will make that a thing to do soon! I want to try to get out of high school so I'm more focused. Or at least get to another break time like now. But I will inform you when it happens and there will be a symbol by each chapter when finished. It won't be a drastic change, but rather a cleaner change.

The Hollywood Phantom |Julie and the Phantoms| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now