Chapter 22

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I hear someone teleport into my room. I turn around and roll my eyes.

"I said we're done here!" I shout.

"Yeah, well I didn't!" Alex yells. "I'm not leaving this room until I get my friend back!"

"You don't get it, do you? Your friend isn't-"

"Here, I know! But I'm willing to bring her back, no matter what it takes!"

"Fine, do what you gotta do. It'll take a while, though!" I warn.

"I'll take my chances." He says confidentially.

"And to think, you and Luke wanted to give up? Now, all of a sudden, you're searching for her again?" I ask.

"Because I did find her!"

"Oh? And how is that?" I ask again.

"When I saw the true anger in her eyes. And her feelings finally came out." I freeze for a second and look down.

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"My friend, Emma, didn't just disappear like that." He says as he snaps his finger. "She disappeared because of how she felt. She was tired of never getting the spotlight. And unfortunately, she fell into the wrong hands at the wrong time."

"Oh, and let me guess, she magically came back one day?" I ask sarcastically.

"No, in fact, she's been back this whole time. Ever since she was brought back to life. Or ghost life... whatever! The point is, she was never really gone. She is just showing a different side of her right now." He explains.

"How sweet, someone finally understands her life. However, that girl isn't here anymore. So whatever your little fantasy is isn't actually true-"


"I'm done, Alex. I am not the real Emma Patterson." I turn around and start walking away.

Alex: Emma, you're angry, I get it
Believe me I know what it's like
But you are making a mistake
The path of hate is a dangerous track

You take one step and it's hard to turn back
It pulls you along
And though it seems wrong it feels right
Don't you see this path you're on leaves a permanent mark
It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark
With each passing day
You're further astray from the light

Suddenly, you lose your way and lose the thread
Lose your cool, then lose your head
Every loss is harder to excuse
Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul
'Til you lose complete control
And realize there's nothing left to lose
Nothing left to lose

Em, trust me
Becoming the villain isn't the answer

Emma: Is that what you think I am?
The path I'm on is a path paved in black
I'm taking that road and I'm not looking back
Each twist and each turn
Leads straight where I'm yearning to go
Yes, it's true, my path is dark but I see where it ends
My rivals will fall as my power ascends
Despise me, that's fine
I'm taking what's mine even so
Not like you

You lost your nerve, you lost the game
But you and I, we're not the same
I'm not lost, this fate was mine to choose
So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains
Lose each weakness that remains
Now that I have nothing left to lose
Nothing left to lose

Alex: You have so much to hold onto
Emma: I only want my rightful dues
Alex: Listen please, you've lost your grip
Alex (Emma): And lost your mind (I'm not gonna lose)
All's not lost, don't be so blind (I refuse)
Cut your losses, drop the IOUs (I refuse)

Alex: Oh-oh, choose

Emma:I lose no tears and lose no sleep
What I want I'll take and keep (Alex: It's time for you to choose)

Both: You can't stop the turning on the screws

Emma: You can go back to your little friends now
In case you thought you'd bring her back, you won't
Now I have nothing left to lose

I leave the room after singing my final note.

It's too late to bring the real me back.

No matter how much I want to try.

Hey everyone! As you can tell, I have been updating a lot recently! I have time now and I'm just more motivated/not on writers block. I will say, though, this chapter and the next chapter might be a little bit shorter. It's mainly cause they're dialogues and people are just trying to talk to her (filler chapters too). Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story still! Have a great day!

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