Chapter 12

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"You're back." I whisper.

"Y-Yeah. It was hard to leave this place." I raise my eyebrows and look at him.

"Really? Wow, is it that amazing?" I chuckle. Maybe this'll be my chance to complete my task...

"I mean, with you it is." There was a brief silent moment all of a sudden. "And that's why I came back."

"Well, I'm here 24/7. I guess that's a benefit for anyone who enjoys me being an owner."

"That's the problem, though. You need to get out of this club." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's dangerous!"

"Dangerous? It's not like I'm hurt or dead!"

"You were, several times!" He yells.

"Look," I sigh. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but what can we do? I made this choice, a-and I'm willing to take the risks."

"Emma, I know when you're lying. You never got the choice when you were here. And it got to the point where Caleb had full control over you."

"Name one time-"

"Do you not see it now? You are acting this way because he's controlling who you are! Why do you think I still believed? I didn't walk away like the other two. I didn't give up on you. And I won't stop until you are back to your amazing self." He says.

"Then get comfortable, because it's going to take a while!" I yell.

"Fine, I'll sit here as long as I need to."

"Why do you care so much? There are plenty of other girls out there that can replace the old Emma."

"Because there's nobody else that is better than her. Or the same. She is the only one I would do anything for." I look down and start tearing up.

"Well, wherever she is, that would definitely mean a lot to her." He grabs my hands after saying that.

"I think I already found her." He whispers. He leans forward and kisses me. After the kiss, I stare at him forever. "Emma?"


"I love you. No matter what happens." He says.

"I-I love you too." I whisper.

"Told you I'd find her." He smiles. I chuckle as he gives me a huge hug. Wow. I don't think I've ever felt as happy as that.

"Well look at you, smart boy." I grin.

"Hey, that all came from you."

"You know, I didn't want to hurt anyone. In fact, I was shocked I even came back." I say.

"We know, but it was worth it to see you again." He says.

"Thanks, Reg." He gives me another hug.

"A-And I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He whispers.

"I do now."

"Wait, what-" I grab his wrist and he gasps.

"You are so easy to get to! I guess that's why it's hard for you to find love." I chuckle. "Now I guess you have no choice but to stay here!"

"I-I thought-"

"I never loved you, Reggie! It was just a lie! And look how it ended? The lover boy is now trapped in a club with no one to love!" I laugh.

"Fine, if it has to be this way, then let it. I'll still love you the same." He then teleports out of the room. I gasped as soon as I realized what happened.

What did I do?

Tears start falling as my heart starts to shatter.

I just lost the last person I could look up to.

Where is the old me?

Why have I turned into a monster?

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading so far! Couple of things... 1. I apologize if there's a lot of songs. I did that to make it more of a musical story. If it gets to be too much let me know. 2. If you have any questions, comments, ideas, etc. let me know! I promise I will take the feedback and I will credit if anything is used in this story!

Have an amazing day!

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