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We continued to hastily make our way through the woods all very on edge.

Eventually we came to a slightly open field area where Fang led us until he suddenly stopped making us freeze.

I grew even more anxious as he started growling lowly.

"What's wrong Fang?" Harry calls out to the dog while Draco and I stood looking around.

I felt Harry grab my arm tightly and I turn my eyes widening as in front of us laid a unicorn with a hooded figure above it.

I let out a gasp my hand flying to my head as I held it tightly feeling a painful burning sensation just as Harry did also.

Whatever the hooded creature was looked up to us but all we could see was the unicorn blood dripping from its mouth.

Draco screamed loudly as him and Fang took off running.

My eyes widened as Harry and I were suddenly alone and I shook slightly from fear.

Harry grabbed me pulling me behind him slightly his arm over my chest while I grabbed the back of his cloak.

It turned to us as it started to come closer and I pulled Harry back pulling him to my side.

It's funny really, we both want to protect each other and in the process get on the others nerves when we do things preventing to other from keeping them safe.

Harry wanted me behind him but I wanted him just as far from the danger and we just ended up side by side holding onto each other with fear.

It got even closer making us back up and I let out a small scream as we tripped over a tree root sensing us falling to the ground.

We used our hands and feet to push ourselves back until we ran into a tree with our backs.

Suddenly the hooded figure turns and turns running off and away from us as we both heard the sound of hooves running.

I cover my head pulling Harry down with me as a creature jumps over us making my eyes widen.

It sends the hooded figure fleeing into the woods not to be seen.

We both hesitantly stand up both afraid, worried this creature would also be after us.

We walk towards it though, now that it's closer it seemed to be half human and half horse.

"Harry and Y/n Potter you must leave." He starts surprising me.

"You are known to many creatures here, the forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you two." He adds.

"But- but what was that thing you saved us from?" I stutter slightly still anxious about what just happened.

"A monstrous creature, it is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price, to have slain something so pure...." He pauses before continuing "From the moment that blood touches your lips, you will have a half life. A cursed life."

"And who would choose such a life?" Harry asks as we both knew the only thing or person capable must be purely wicked.

"Can you think of no one?" He asks basically telling us exactly who he believed it was making my eyes widen.

"Are you saying that the thing drinking it's blood...." I start before taking a breath.

"Was Voldemort?" Harry and I both say.

The centaur leans closer to us as it whispers slightly.

"Do you know what's hidden in the school at this very moment Potters?" He asks us making our eyes widen.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now