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I grunt as I hold on tightly to my broom before zooming to the other side of the field dodging Slytherins chasers.

"Bloody hell!" I yell with anger as a chaser smacks the ball out of my hand and is sent flying where another chaser catches it.

I don't let up though as I follow after the chaser, I look to Angela and Jimmy who both send me a look and I nod.

We've been practicing a move I've been dying to try out.

I fly low underneath the Slytherin chaser as the two quickly surround the boy as they all ram into each other.

I watch as he tries to fight them off for a moment and see he's well distracted.

"Now!" I yell before they quickly pull away and I zoom upward snatching the ball from his hands making the crowd go wild.

I grin holding the ball tightly in my grip.

I head straight for the goal and throw it a smile as it makes it throw the hoop.

I look up and see Fred looking my way.

He sends me a grin and lets out a proud whoop making me chuckle before he sends me a wink and zooms off the block the bludger. I look over with a smile but then sigh.

I frown though looking to the scoreboard seeing we're still behind as Slytherin has 90 points and we know have 30.

I immediately throw myself back into the game and hope Harry sees the snitch soon enough, it will put us in the lead.

But I can tell he's distracted slightly as Malfoy is at his ear most likely annoying him.

I gasp as from the corner of my eye I see the bludger head my way.

I duck and look up surprised before gazing to Fred and George who sent me cringed smiles considering it's their jump to keep them away from us as best they can.


I roll my eyes as Wood appears in front of me.

"Watch yourself, Y/n!"

I nod sending and apologetic look but my eyes widen as the bludger turns heading back to him.

"Wood, look out!"

I gasp as it completely breaks through the upper handle of his broom sending him spinning off.

I then see the ball head my way and start flying away to avoid it.

No matter how hard I tried it wouldn't leave from near me unless I got close to Harry and it would then chase him.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell ducking once again and watching as it suddenly turns to Harry again.

"Why is it always us!?" Harry yells to me as he quickly dips down to avoid getting hit.

"I'll let you know when I know!" I exclaim annoyed, last year it was our brooms getting hexed, now this, because I'm pretty sure they aren't suppose to only target certain people the whole time.

I watch as Harry is suddenly flirting quickly after something, that's when I see a small hint of gold.

"The snitch." I mutter with wide eyes but frown noticing that the bludger was still chasing after him, he'll never catch it with that and Malfoy coming after him.

I look over to Fred and George before saying "Try to not let me die please!"

Their eyes widen before I quickly fly down to where Harry was and meet him at his side as we fly quickly.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now