Unexpected reality

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I shake Soda again and again. I didn't know what to do. I could have balled. I look up and see through my tears the faint outline of an old phone. I jump up and quickly dial 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady coolly asked me

"You gotta help me...m-my boyfriend h-he's b-b-een shot!" I yell out through my tears.

"Alright ma'am, I need you to stay calm, is anybody else hurt?"

"His brother h-hasn't woken up s-since its happened." I studder out.

"Okay can you tell me your location?"

I tell her where we are, still sobbing. It was a miracle that she even understood what I said. After the phone call, I sat down beside Soda and just hugged him close. He was breathing steadily, so that was a good thing. While I was trying to calm myself down the ambulance got there. They came in and a gentleman bent down and carefully picked up Soda's body and another one picked up Pony.

"Is there any family I need to call?" One of the men ask me

"D-d-Darrell Curtis." I say, wiping my eyes.

"Do you know the number?" He asks me, calmly.

I give it to him and then get in the back of the ambulance. Soda had a bunch of tubes and wires already sticking out of him. I winced and had to look away when I saw him, his skin was pale and his breathing was shallow. Tears threatened to gush out of my eyes as I saw the oxygen that was already hooked to him.

At the hospital

I am sitting in the waiting room, Soda's in surgery and Pony's in a hospital bed, he went into shock. I am just helplessly slumped against a wall, ruining my eye makeup.

Darry and the rest of the gang bursts in and surrounds me. I smile a little and reach up to hug Dally.

He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and I resist the urge to sob into his shoulder.

"Are you okay? He asks when he pulls back.

"I-I think s-so." I answer

"Did he grab you?" He asks, glancing at my tore jacket and bruised shoulder

"Y-y-yeah." I say, tears choking me.

Darry stayed real still. I was worried he was mad at me, then all of the sudden he wraps me in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy he has you." He whispers

"Why?" I ask, genuinely perplexed.

"If you wouldn't have gotten the bullet out, it would have gotten infected." He says.

"I-didn't know what to do-" He interups me

"Listen, without you calling 911 I would have lost my little brother." He said, smiling.

I sniffle and burry my head in his shoulder.

"Sodapop Curtis?" One of the doctor said.
We all stood up and looked at the doctor, waiting for news.

"The bullet hit the bone and it cracked it, so we had to mend the bone. After a few weeks of recovery he will be fine." The doctor said smoothly.

"What about Pony?" Darry asks looking at the doctor.

"He's in shock, he just needs some rest." The doctor says smiling.

"He is okay?" Darry asks again.

"Yeah he's going to be fine." The doctor says, smiling.

Darry nods and says "Can we see them?"

"Yeah he's asleep thought, he was in quite a bit of pain so I gave him morphine." The doctor says gesturing towards Sodas room.

We walk in there and there was Soda asleep on the bed. I walk over to him and stroke his hair. His heart beat is steady and he was okay. For the first time today I could relax. I smiled and took his hand, and wrapped my fingers around his.

Later that day
The gang was already asleep on the floor. It was pretty late by this point. I look up at the clock and it was 11:11. I sighed and closed my eyes and whispered "I wish Soda would wake up."

No sooner than the words left my mouth, Sodas ocean blue eyes fluttered open.

I hugged him so tightly I thought I was going to strangle him. Fortunately, he didn't mind and hugged me back just as tight. It was all going to be okay now.

Or so we thought...

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