Only One Problem....

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Bree's POV

"Well, Bree, it is nice to meet you." He smirked and at me.

My thoughts were a turning rapidly in my head as I think over and over...Sodapop Curtis, Sodapop Curtis. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks...OMG I was standing before my favorite book character EVER! I resisted the urge to go all fangirl balistic even though I wanted to...bad. However I surpressed myself into just acting nonchalent...even though my mind was like OMG ITS SODAPOP CURTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and jumping up and down screaming. However as many times as I have read the book, nothing could have prepared me for what came when the door opened.

This girl...this skinny, blond, tan, perfect girl walked into the DX. My self esteem just got hit by a bulldozer, the force of such a blow was enough to render me helpless and almost knock me on my knees. She wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled him into a hug, peering over his sholder to glare at me with an unmistakable glare of possession in her gaze.

"Who's this?" She said, guesuring to me. I heard what she didn't say who is this broad and why is she in here alone with MY sodapop?! I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, she is much more annoying in person than she seems in the book. The thought of what I know happenes at the end of the story to Sodapop because of this little whore is enough to make my blood boil. I wasn't so surprised when she excused herself to leave before throwing me a stay away from him look. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. How was I supposed to compete with THAT?!

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