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"My gosh, who did this to you?!" I whisper yelled to Soda.
"I-I don't know who they were." He stammered.
"Alright, physical description?" I ask, looking him over.
Before he even had a chance to speak I noticed some tearing on the back of his gym shirt and I whispered "Turn around." He complied almost instantly.
I whispered "Follow me." He nodded and followed me to the nurses office.
"Think you can pick the lock?" I ask, handing him a bobby pin.
"Not with one eye." He murmured.
I sigh and go and get Dally. With the help of my bobby pin and a paper clip we were in in just a few seconds. I smile at Dally and walk in and whisper "Turn around and take your shirt off." I murmur. He complies.
The bruising tells me that they pushed him hard against a locker. The hand prints on his shoulders and stomach tells me that there was a definite struggle. There was some bruising around his stomach and ribs, looks like he might have been kicked down and kicked some more. Geez what the heck is wrong with these people?! Soda didn't even do anything. I was absolutely livid.
"You know in the 60s if a guy had a problem with you...they would slug it out in the hallway." Soda coughed out.
"Yeah, you can't do that here." I say as I put some ice on his bruises and hand him a pack for his eye. I pull up his Tshirt and barely press on his ribs, he yelps. I sigh and whispered "Might've cracked one. " I wrap it tightly, putting some cool gel on the other bruises.

" What did I do?" He asks timidly.
"Hmm?" I ask looking at him.
"Why did they beat me up?" He asks sighing.
"I provoked a head popular girl and she got jocks to intimidate us."
"What was that thing your friend showed you?"
"She decided to cyber bully us. Or use the internet to post things that aren't true to avoid a face to face confrontation." I explained.
"Why is she attacking me?" He asks as wrap an arm around his shoulders.
"Because you are my weakness."

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