Sparks fly

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They got closer and all of us tensed. Dally's arm stiffened around me, ready for anything. They wouldn't really start a fight over me....would they? I had to send them a message that I was Dallas Winston's girl. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him hard and passionate. He smirked against my lips and kissed me back with equal passion and just as rough as I had so rashly given him. It felt like the entire world vanished and this possible fight mattered nothing. This entire universe and all in it mattered nothing, all that mattered is that Dallas Winston was kissing me. He pulled back, panting, I knew he had felt the unexplainable feeling that had occurred as soon as our lips met.

His dark brown eyes met my emerald green ones and he mouthed "later." He resumed his previous position of wrapping an arm around my waist and brushing his thumb across the back of my hand carefully. They glared and got back in their red mustang without another word.

All the boys turned to stare at me and Dallas.
"What just happened?" Darry asked, the look of shock still evident across his determined features.

Dally shrugged and continued to stroke the back of my hand.
" I kissed my girl." Dallas said simply
"Do I even get a say in this?!" I ask tiredly.
" I thought you already made up your mind with that kiss, doll." Dally said, smirking.
"You gonna show her your police record, dal." Two-Bit said, grinning from ear to ear.

Dallas grinned. I knew that he was more proud of that police record than anything. Well, he had worked and worked on it since he was 10 years old.

I smile and lay my head on Dally's shoulder, grinning like an idiot. He smiled at me. Then all of the sudden my good mood got quickly ruined as Sandy came to stand beside Soda...I really don't think she was present this much in the book...but then again no one had a basically make put session with Dallas Winston in the book either. Soda's eyes glowed when Sandy would laugh...he loved her. She turned to glare at me. Dally glared at her.

Dally looked at me and whispered "Wanna come with me to a movie tonight, doll?" He asked, pushing my hair out of my eyes. I nodded as my heart fluttered at the slight touch. Was there a chance....that I could love him? No...that's not possible....I'm just...what's the word.....dazzled that's it....I'm dazzled by him. That's totally it. What? Denial? I'm not in denial?

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