The book

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Ponyboy looked shocked as he opened the book and silently read the first page.
"It's about us." He says, shocked.
"What? Here, let me see." Soda said, grabbing the book and turning the pages.
"Except Johnny and dally die." He confirms.
"Yeah about that-" I start.
They all stare at me expectantly.
"Y'all's world doesn't exist past this paper back in the real world." I say sighing slowly.
"But we lived there." Darry pointed put.
"I don't know how it happened but I was upset and ticked and some how some way transported into your world." I say, trying desperately to explain.
"So you came to our world from here." Steve said.
I nod.
He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.
I pick up my cellphone to see nothing has changed, not even the date.
"Oh, by the way you can't take knives to school." I say sighing.
"What?!" They all say simultaneously.
"You heard me. No weapons. " I say.
"Sounds like jail." Dally says.
"Yeah pretty much." I say sighing.
Everyone sighs in preparation for tomorrow.

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