A night to remember

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After begging Darry to let Ponyboy go, I sigh and try to decide what I am going to do. I could live by the book and let my all time favorite characters die....or I could live it my own way....hmm let favorite characters die or lives own way...these are TOUGH decisions. Yeah...needless to say I decided to live not according to the book; if possible that is.

That night I braided my hair in a Katniss style braid, I take a deep breath and try not to get too nervous, although its wasnt working very well. My heart was pounding and my face was flushed...I was beyond nervous. I forced myself to get a grip and calm down...I sighed and put a touch of make-up on, not too much...not too little. I hoped and prayed I looked okay.

I hear a whistle behind me and turn around to see Soda smiling at me.

"Wow you look...wow." He said, grinning

"Thanks." I say, blushing.
He smiled and walked downstairs. I run down stairs and out the door with Pony. As we arrived to the movies...we crawled under the fence and walked to our seats. I dusted myself off and sat beside Dally. He seemed more interested in a redhead in front of us though. He kept flirting with her...over and over again. Pony kept shooting me sympathetic looks, that red head splashed coke in Dally's face. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked to the gate so I could leave. I got out and started to leave...or tried to. I found myself surrounded by drunk socs. With no Dally in sight I was dead. I attempted to bolt but there wasn't a place to go. One of them grabbed me and pushed me to the ground, I was so scared, I was shaking. I felt one of their disgusting hand feel under my shirt and I just lost it, I started screaming and kicking and just doing everything I could.  They pushed me down on the hard ground even harder and I felt a warm liquid seep from the back of my skull...it hurt so bad. 

Loud sounds filled the area and all I hear is:

"If you EVER touch her again I will rip your head off." I heard Dally growl.

"Dally?" My voice sounded rough and was quivering.

"Yeah I'm right here babe, right here." He said kneeling down beside me

I look up with a shock that Dally looked sick. Wait, Dally had only looked sick when Johnny had gotten jumped...

I reach up and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back, cradling me against his chest. I vaguely remember my head hurting really bad and that I was sleepy.

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