Let them eat cake!

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After the ceremony we all went to the gym of the church. Before the cake cutting ceremony, people got up and said stuff about us. Then there would be a toast. Dally stood up.

"A toast, a toast for my best buddie and that he finally got with someone who is just as awesome and amazing as he is. I hope y'all are happy and if you hurt her soda I will break your face. " dally concludes as everybody raises their glass.

"Here, here." They all cried.

We walked over to the cake and it was beautiful, one side was traditional white with fancy swirls and such and the other side was chocolate with icing dripped all over it. That side was adorned with chocolate covered strawberries.

He cuts the cake and shoves it in my mouth successfully getting have of it all over my face.

I shove some on him too and cover his mouth in chocolate then he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Mmm you taste delicious. " he purrs in my ear.

"So do you. " I whisper in response.
"Shall we dance?" He asks.
"Sure." I say smiling.

We twist and twirl in a traditional ballroom dance. I felt like cinderella. I hugged him close to me, knowing no matter what the future held that we were going to be okay. For I was his and he was mine.

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