They're just candy

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Soda's POV

After my loving wife fell asleep, I hear this weird noise. It sounds like clang clang clang.

I got closer

Clang clang clang


When I got to my locker, the sound suddenly stops. Saying I'm freaked would be the understatement of the year. Not only was the sound mysteriously gone, my locker was open. I slowly open it, sitting on the shelf was a small pouch filled with these chocolate candies. Now I saw nothing wrong with free candy, so I grabbed a few from the ten candies that were there and threw them in my mouth. They tasted horrible but I drank some water and washed them down two at a time. I walk more like limp back to the nurses station, I was feeling slightly nauseous but I figured it was just from the chocolate. I sigh and look down at the pouch and there was still one left, I figured I would give one to Bree or Steve. When I got back to the nurses office, Bree was awake and looked startled.

"I'm here my love, I'm here." I say wrapping my arm around her.

"Do you want some candy?" I asked handing it to her.

"Where did you get this?" She asks curiously examining the chocolate covered candy.

"My locker, why? Is something wrong with it?"

"I don't think this is just candy."

Bree's POV

"I don't think this is just candy. " I say as I pour some water over it. After the chocolate washed off, there was a familiar red smooth pill with I-2 inscribed on it, this was Aspirin

"Soda? How many did you eat?" I ask looking up at him.

"I don't know 9? 10?" He shrugged.

"This was medicine, soda, not candy." I say as calmly as possible.

"What do we do know because I'm starting to feel really sick."he says doubling over. I call 911. I sigh wrapping my arms around him and helping him lay down. He could get sick...or worse.

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