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"He never said anything about not targeting the ones who dared defy us by hiding him." Taehyung thought to himself, muttering under his breath, but it was loud enough that the others, namely Jimin, caught onto what he was saying. He gave Taehyung a bit of a smile, before turning to the other Hyungs with the same smirk on his face. Taehyung knew that perhaps it was going a bit far, but he was upset, and he was angry, and someone had to pay for this. They had ordered them to release Jungkook, but nobody had, and they had yet to find who it was that had dared to disobey them so thoroughly. They would not allow such things to happen, not without some sort of a consequence. There had to be consequences. In the end, there had to be. Otherwise, what were they supposed to do? Just let things go, people would think that they were weak and they could not allow that. 

To have whoever it was that was holding Jungkook away from them go against them like that? It was something else. In a way, Taehyung had to admit that he was somewhat grateful. He had broken his promise, in a way. Not entirely, of course, but Jungkook clearly thought that he had gone too far, and Taehyung would have to admit to himself, perhaps he had been a bit too tough. That did not lessen the fact that Jungkook had also gone too far. He was proud that he had the guts to stand up to him, like that. To give them an ultimatum. He could appreciate that. 

He could not appreciate the fact that someone, or more like a whole group of people, willingly would go against them for so long. Taehyung was absolutely furious. He would find out who it was, and when he did, they had best hope that he would find it somewhere in him to be merciful. Jimin noticed the dark look in his eyes, and he shivered somewhat. The other hyungs were well aware how dark that Taehyung could be, they also knew that Taehyung was thoroughly obsessed with Jungkook in a way that he had not been with anyone before. 

Perhaps this was not healthy, and they were all aware how dangerous Taehyung was, especially when something that he wanted was taken out of his reach. Jungkook coming to the school, it was more a curse than a blessing. He had caused Taehyung to see, obsess, and then loose it. They just hoped that Jungkook could handle himself. It was obvious that he was in this school for a reason. There was no way he had just been sent to this particular school because he had done some bad things. That was the only thing that could comfort them as they saw Taehyung glower and scheme. 

They did not know everything that Jungkook had done. They had heard him say that he had killed some people, that he had plotted it, and that he had succeeded in murdering them, and then that he got sent here. Supposedly, from what they had found it was just some last minute thing, he had just snapped, but how close to snapping does that mean? He got sent here for murdering students of his fellow class body, whether they were bullies or not. 


Well he had his match at least. They had known this the moment that the two had clashed together like a set of asteroids. While Jungkook seemed like he calmed Taehyung, seemed like he was the one who was fully in charge, Jin and Namjoon had long since come to the conclusion that this was not necessarily the case. After all, the biggest weakness that a person had, that was the one who was in control, in all reality, because your emotions were trapped in that thing, or that person. Jungkook held Taehyung on a leash that he did not even know. Dangerous a leash that it may be. 

"We are going to school now?" Jimin questioned, just wanting to be sure. Taehyung turned his stare onto the fellow liner, staring at him in disbelief with a bit of a scoff echoing from his mouth. 

"What do you think, Jiminie Hyung?" 

"Okay, okay," He said lifting his hands and giving Taehyung a wide smile, smirk in place. "Just wanted to be certain. You are going on and on plotting that you failed to really explain whether we were supposed to or not." 

"Is there a problem with that?" Taehyung growled, eyes narrowed and Jimin shook his head again with a smile. 

"Of course not, just saying." Jimin said hastily with a nervous laugh. Taehyung sighed as he stared at him before turning to to the others, his eyes boring into their own. He tilted his head, lifting his brow. 

"Any other questions?" He mocked.

"No," Yoongi cut in, stopping anyone else from saying something stupid. "We got it. Although," Yoongi paused, just long enough to get Taehyung's attention to swivel to him more seriously. 

"Although what?" He asked, his eyes still held a bit of a wild glint in them that told everyone that he was still on the edge, and soon to fall straight head down. They all did not want to be around when that happened. Hobi was still glancing between Taehyung and the others, tense and nervous, and it did not help with Yoongi proceeding to act like this. Did he not know that they needed to be careful?

"Exactly how happy do you think Jungkook will be if he knows that you punished, tormented, or whatever it is you intend to do, the people that helped him when you weren't there with him? If anything, he may end up retaliated even worse than he has now." 

"He can't. He doesn't have the backing." 

"You don't think he does. If I know anything though, is how cunning people can be, especially when they have a goal." 

Everyone's entire body shifted from somewhat relaxed to full on edge. They stared at Yoongi with shocked expressions, unable to believe he had just...just...said something like that. That was nearing a death sentence, especially considering the mood that Taehyung was in at the moment. They may love Taehyung, but they also were not exactly ones to want to get on the other side of his wrath, so just what was Yoongi doing?

"Are you threatening me?" Taehyung hissed. 

"No," Yoongi said with a shrug, seemingly a lot calmer than he was feeling if his heart racing in his chest was anything to go by. "I am just trying to warn you, so that when or if you decide to go on with this plot of yours, you don't become shocked when Jungkook hates you for it."

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