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Yugyeom, as much as Jungkook wanted to deny it, was speaking logically. It was honestly quite annoying to have to hear his best friend take what he deemed Taehyung's side, but at the same time he knew that Yugyeom would never take Taehyung's side unless he was being that overly reactional. He owed Yugyeom, and he had Yugyeom had been through thick and thin together, and Jungkook knew that though he could not trust many, and even less in this foresaken school, he could trust Yugyeom...the other had, after all, lied on his behalf to court. It was something that though his parents may want to deny his truth however many times they wanted, they were riding this delusion of him. After all, Yugyeom and him had been extremely close, despite the fact that Jungkook had been forbidden to see him time and time again.

Yugyeom had been there for him, at a time when nobody had, and had managed to talk him out of many disaster wrought plots, ones that would have had him caught so much sooner. He had taught him things in the way of violence that Jungkook had never contemplated before, and had walked down the dark road with Jungkook, though some would say he had merely been walking down the dark alley never to look back, he did not think of it like that. Even if Yugyeom had been guiding him to a path far beyond redemption, it was he who had taken his hand gladly, and Yugyeom had only been talking to this inner darkness that he had in the first place. He was glad for him, whether anyone else approved or not, he knew that Yugyeom had his back. He had been right, and time and again it had been tested. When they caught Yugyeom after a plan gone bad, Yugyeom had not sold him out, no matter how many times Jungkook had pleaded for him to, so that they could at least be together, and that he would not be left alone again, but Yugyeom had refused, saying Jungkook had so much more to offer than he did...

When Jungkook looked back on it, he hated him sometimes. That was in the early days when Yugyeom had just left and been forced to attend this awful place. He had heard horrible things about it, and from what Jungkook could tell, to some extent it matched up to the stories, but to some extent, he did not think that things were nearly as bad as people tried to say they were. They had to cultivate this picture of these kids being irredeemable, but what Jungkook saw was what happens when you shove kids too far and they finally break and then shove them into a place where they have no option to escape and are forced to stay with each other. He knew for a fact that the Principal did not give a shit, and he had a feeling they were under Bangtan's pocket anyways. Even if he wasn't, he did nothing to help these kids creating these 'gangs' and he knew that these gangs would go into the country and wreck havoc. Some would be caught...he had a feeling most would not, at least not right away. Bangtan and Shinee would good examples. They had the capacity to do some of the worst things, but they were meticulous and questioning, they would definitely take a while before they got caught, and if they worked together? Jungkook was not sure which he would feel sorrier for, the police who had to catch them, or the people caught in the middle.

"You really think I am overreacting?" Jungkook asked Yugyeom, turning to the other, tilting his head in question. He had to know, for certain at least. Before he actually bothered to talk to them. He knew that Yugyeom had always told him but a part of him just wanted to double check. He was not sure why, perhaps he was getting weak, getting soft. The thought expanded when he saw Yugyeom look at him questioningly. He knew, he had always trusted his own judgement before, and had never needed to have this kind of reassurance, and it was definitely throwing his Hyung for a loop, but at the same time he could not help himself.

"Yes, Jungkook you know that you are being overdramatic. Taehyung did not specifically break any promise that he made to you, and you even admitted to that. Just because you think someone is going to proceed to break a promise does not mean you get to accuse them of doing so before they even technically do so. Maybe he had something else in mind, but you honestly won't know that, will you? Not until he actually did the crime. You and I both know that quite well, I should hope." Jungkook cringed, suitably chastised by the other. He had to admit, perhaps he had jumped a few steps. Still, a part of him felt justified in his reaction.

"They did not want me to see you," Jungkook muttered under his breath, pulling his legs up to his chest and frowning. "They did not want me to go to classes. Maybe I reacted wrongly, but I was upset and angry. I missed you, I got here because I wanted to see you, I got caught to even be sent here so I could see you, it is a bit redundant if I can't see you in the first place right? All that work down the drain." Yugyeom rolled his eyes, shoving Jungkook lightly to the side.

"You are being ridiculous." He scoffed. "We would have eventually run into each other one way or another. You know my Hyungs have continual dealings with Bangtan anyways." Jungkook jerked his head around and stared.

"What? Seriously?" Yugyeom nodded slowly.

"And even if that were not the case anyways, they have a good reason for wanting you to avoid classes. Sometimes, it can get brutal. They probably want to keep you away from that at least for the time being, until they can tell that you are ready for any of the violence that regularly breaks out in them." Yugyeom shrugged. "Not that it matters, I doubt you even let them talk." Jungkook winced. That was true he had sort of...He sighed.

"You are right, I should talk to them,"

"Yeah, if you are looking for Taehyung he is in his dorm."

"I thought he shared the room with Bangtan, kind of like how the other gangs do." Yugyeom furrowed his brows, likely wondering how the hell he knew that, but brushed past the question easily. He shook his head.

"He doesn't want to share with them until you are found, so he has taken to sleeping in his dorm room instead." Jungkook felt more guilt pile on, before he sighed.

"Whatever, I will talk to him then." Yugyeom laughed, and Jungkook felt his lips turn up slightly, he had missed the sound.

"Well hurry up. I doubt you want to wait until morning bell, you will be running into everyone." 

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