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Today I woke up and I felt a bit bad, my body feels very heavy and my head tends to something and I remembered it.

Enterprise: I think I was drinking liquor with Belfast and got drunk and ... what happened next?

I stand up and my hand grabs a very soft lump.

Enterprise: What is that? A pillow?

Belfast: Ara? Do you like to touch my breasts?

Enterprise: (jumps in shock) Huh !? That!? What are you doing in my bed Belfast !?

Belfast: Did you forget? We had a sleepover and you got drunk, and since I was too lazy to walk to the Royal Navy residence and sleep won me over, I fell asleep in your bed, hehe.

Enterprise: (Embarrassed) Did you ...?

Belfast: Don't worry, I've only been sleeping, i don't take advantage of your defenseless body.

Enterprise: (Next time I won't drink any liquor)

I dressed quickly and tried to go to the dining room, but the headache became more intense and gave me no choice but to stay in bed, Belfast helped me treat my headache by administering a medicine that I do not know (Because I am not a doctor ), but it made me feel better.


In this place Cleveland and Wales walk while talking.

Wales: According to intelligence the empire has lost a lot of military strength, it will take them a long time to recover from that blow. But we, too, cannot strike as many of our ships are badly damaged.

Cleveland: What about the mental cube?

Wales: Well now Grau has joined the R&D division, and they have made a lot of progress, but nothing is encouraging, they have only been able to analyze 2%.

At that Wales opens the door and they enter the room.

Wales: What did you discover?

Grau: Well, apparently this mental cube is a kind of battery.

Cleveland: Battery?

Grau: Yes, when we analyzed it together with Amazon and Langley, we were able to discover that this cube contains energy.

Wales: What kind of energy?

Amazon: It is an unknown type of energy, and every second that passes the cube collects "that" type of energy.

Langley: When compared to a normal mental cube, it is very different, it is a field of study that surpasses ours, we have nothing to do, our technology is nothing to do a proper analysis.

Ark Royal: (Reading an R-18 manga of pure lolis) I see, a Pandora's box.

In that Grau removes the R-18 manga from Ark Royal while Grau shoots a murderous look at Ark Royal, Ark Royal only shudders with fear.

Cleveland: The glow of the cube becomes more intense.

Wales: It's siren technology, we have to assume that something very bad is going to happen.

Hornet: We can't allow the siren to play with us. By the way, Belfast, where is my sister?

Belfast: She had some muscle problem and is resting.

Akashi: (Desperate) Why did Akagi do such a thing !?

Wales: Akagi, the main ally of the siren, the most worrying thing is how Kaga will behave now that Akagi is gone.

Azur Lane: A Veteran in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now