Trick or Treat

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Tried to think of halloween prompts and Random Idea Brain said trick or treating Tommy, then it said Cannibal SBI- and Writing Brain is just rolling with it- whole changing a few things along the way

Are you Guys/Gals/Nonbinary Pals excited for Halloween? What are you going to be for halloween? Imma be Saiki K! Or if you don't celebrate it, what do you think of the holiday, and what holidays do you celebrate during the fall?


Tommy was going trick or treating with his friends Tubbo and Ranboo. The three had split up though in a race to see who would get the most candy.

Tommy wondered down a path into the woods, he overheard some little kids say that the house had the best candy, so Tommy obviously wanted the candy. So here he was going down the path into the dark forest to get a candy bar or two.

When he saw the house he started having second thought of going there. It looked like a haunted house, black, orange, and purple color pallet. There was spiderwebs all over the place and spiders crawling up the walls- it gave him chills.

He didn't come all this way for nothing though, so he took a few steps up to the house and gave a few loud knocks. After a get seconds he heard some shuffling before someone opened the door with floppy brown hair and he froze for a few seconds before giving him a candy bar and asking him how his night was.

The two started having a conversation when someone walked out behind the man, asking him what was taking so long before noticing Tommy and joining into the conversation. The two encouraged him to eat the candy bar, which he did.

Seconds later he passed out.

SBI where inhuman beings who survived by taking the life forces of mortals. It had originally just been Phil, but then he met Techno and then Wilbur and the three had stuck together for years.

Instead of killing people constantly for their souls, they found certain times during the year and store their food. It became easier to kill during currant Holidays like Halloween or Forth of July. Mortals just make it easy to take their life forces, so they take advantage of that possibility.

The three always knew that something was missing, even when it was just Phil he knew he was missing someone or something. The missing peace's slowly filled when meeting Techno and Wil, but they all knew they were missing a piece. It was a surprise when the missing peace stumbled upon them during one of their hunting nights.

It caught them off guard, and they all panicked a bit when they saw him. The kid couldn't be more then 16! It was good they gave him a chocolate bar though. They always give their prey drugged candy bars on Halloween. It's not enough to kill anyone, but it can make them go unconscious, so the same happened to the kid when he ate the candy.

Techno and Wilbur caught him before he could fall and took him inside to meet Phil, who was storing preys' bodies inside of the freezer. They have a giant freezer.

When Phil saw the boy Techno was carrying he froze before a smile grew on his face. He looked just like him... he wasn't like them yet though. They needed to start the turning process before the night was up, or it will take forever for him to be like them.

When Tommy woke up he was terrified. Being locked in a small space -he hates small spaces- scared him. Everything around him was burning hot- like he was being cooked alive. Something fluffy like a blanket was suffocating him and it felt like lava was on his skin.

He felt someone pull him out of the burning space and into their arms... protectively... it felt like the arms were the only things keeping him from going back to that hell.

Tommy slowly cracked his eyes open, seeing someone who's familiar... yet... not.

It was the brunette from Halloween... but his skin was pale and cracked with red venom, leading up his eyes, which were the same toxic red as the cracks.

Tommy pushed away from him in a panic- falling onto the floor and running off before the monster could get to him.

He tried to find an exit but couldn't- so he tried to break out of a window -trying to avoid the thing looking for him- when he saw his own reflection in the window- only to see... he looked different-

He was like the monster. His eyes where a poison red and cracks went down his skin- he froze looking at his own reflection. This couldn't be him- it couldn't- he was human- not like this... thing!

But he was like them... how did this happen?

His panic was cut off by one thought -a voice in his head that was his own, but different- saying that he belonged here. The 'monsters' where his family. That he couldn't leave.

He didn't agree with the voice but he knew as footsteps rushed into the room he was in, that he wouldn't be able to leave.

(What was the turning process? *throws glitter* magic. Someone pulled him out of the in between of the magic and human worlds, mixing the two worlds and putting him back on earth.)

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