Prints and resolutions

205 3 12

Been a while-

Unfinished prompt and SBI newyears resolutions


Soulmates exist, that's normal, but it's different then most thing. In this world you and your soulmates share handprints, when your 12 there's a week where people go to your school to scan your handprint in the system so you can meet your soulmate(s), Tommy though was sick all week and his parents forgot to take him to get a scan after, so he was never scanned.
Tommy didn't care though, he didn't want a soulmate, and he would just disappoint them, he'd rather be alone, maybe with a friend, and life his life.

If he ever met his soulmate he hoped they where platonic. Most where romantic with a 97% change, with only 1% being platonic and 2% not having a soulmate.
He really hopes his are plationic.....

SBI controls the program. They know they have another soulmate, they feel the missing piece- and yet they're hasn't been a report of another match to them. Their platonic soulmates, acting more like a family then anything. They just want their last member home...


Before meeting Tommy
Phil: collect another child
Techno: Blood :)
Tommy: get a girlfriend

After meeting Tommy:
Phil: Kidnap Tommy
Techno: kill anyone who goes near Tommy
Wilbur: protect child
Tommy: get away from these people- they're looking at me weird. Probably because I'm so Pog and a big man

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