What if...

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...I rewrote my first prompt?

(Sorry it's been a little while- when I forget when I last updated it's usually a good time to update-
I've been having a hard time writing endings for these prompts- so sorry)

Like-  similar, but adding in something else that was in the dream it was based on. The dream had swapped between SBI and Peanuts characters, so what if people were able to turn into cartoon/anime-like characters?

I'm too lazy to reread the prompt though- so it's basically just what I remember

Edit- while writing this I think it might also have an aspect of another prompt-? Idk- I have too many to re-read through them all rn-

Edit #2: I don't even know if this is similar to the original prompt at all anymore- idk


Cartoons and Anime, people's second forms. Cartoons are usually softer, nicer, weaker, and nieve, while Anime's are stronger, braver, and protective. So, Anime's usually end up taking advantage of Cartoons, that or they are protective of them, thinking of them as weak things that can't take care of themselves.

Tommy had been living in an orphanage for years. Parents don't want cartoon kids, and look down on people when they are in that form. So, it's likely he's never going to be adopted.


Ok- he was wrong. He somehow won a contest.

He and the other top contestants have been staying in the palace for a week and they've been hanging out with the servants. The Royals will choose one of them to adopt, but he doesn't know how they will choose one of them without ever meeting them.

He became friends with two of the servants, Techno and Wilbur. He didn't expect to get adopted by the royal family, so making friends might make his time here worth it instead of wasting his time.

Slowly over time some of the other contestants disappeared. It creeped him out, would he disappear too? Where the others dying-? It would make sense, having the people in the castle that could have possibly told their secrets to enemies.

Tommy just stuck with Techno and Wilbur, and didn't get suspicious when another contestant that was mean to him disappeared, or when his friends came up to him with some blood on them- thinking they had to clean the dungeons after the royal family killed another prisoner, likely one who was a spy from a different kingdom.

The royal family where known to be anime's, and look terrifying in their forms. Said that one prince had tusks and pig-like ears, while the other looked charming, and could twist people's thoughts with just a few words. The king had large wings, similar to a crows. Those were only rumors though, very few actually see them in their forms, and even fewer survive to tell others.

One day Tommy realized all the other contestants were gone. Did that mean he won, or will he disappear like they did in this sick game that was called a 'contest'.

He was anxious the whole day, so scared he was going to be next, even if he was the last one- so he tried to escape.

He didn't get that far, quickly being caught by a few guards less than an hour after he escaped. The Royals went to go check on their newest member, and properly meet him (he was someone who the princes got quite close to recently), only to find he wasn't there.

They quickly sent the guards to look for him and were anxious until he was found. When he was found though he was taken to the room the princes made for him. He stayed there alone, waiting in silence for something to happen...

When the family walked into the room they saw the teen in his cartoon form, curled up on the floor in the corner of the room closest to the window. They all awwed at the young boy, wanting to keep the cartoon child safe and protected- they never wanted him to leave their sight and all knew the boy was a treasure they wouldn't let leave their sight. He was going to stay with them, wether he liked it or not.

(Sorry for the rushed ending)

(Mini blooper real)

'What if...'

Theater Brain: -she never tortured me anymoreeeee- how would I manage? *starts singing 'what if' from Adams family*

(Was gonna be part of the intro-)
'The one happy prompt is over, back too...'

Unhappy- sad- uh... *can't think of any words*

'...so he likely never to get adopted'

And they all lived sadily ever after

'Thinking they had to clean the dungeons after the...'

Royal priso- wait a second- 

'Wilbur and...'

Twchno- ....
...whydoes'w'and'e'havetoberightnexttoeachother- (you do not know how many times that has happened-)

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