Chapter 1 ~Him.~

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I was pacing up and down my work station, my co- workers were giving me a mix of concerned and weird looks.

What should I do? I kept asking myself.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I looked up as I heard my name being called.

It was none other than my friend, Akio. 

"Yes, I'm perfectly intact" I replied in an over  dramatic and emphasised tone.

As I glanced at him from over the computers that were in between our desks.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked shaking his head, knowing the way I speak when I'm stressed.

He sat in his chair waiting for my response, as he looked up at me.

"I found a kid." I bluntly stated as I stopped pacing and looked opposite me, directly at him.

His expression changed to a confused one.

"I'm sorry what?" He questioned as if asking me to repeat myself.

"No, you heard me right, a kid." I assured him that he wasn't hallucinating.

He just looked at me dumb founded.

"I want to ask you so many questions right now, but I'll save them for later. However I will ask you where is the kid?" He carried on staring at me waiting for my response.

"Right next to me" I replied straight away gesturing downwards towards him.

Akio got up from his chair and lent forward so he could peer over my desk.

His eyes widened at the sight of a short ginger boy wearing a trapper hat.

The boy looked up at Akio and gave him a curious stare.

Akio was still taken aback as he moved to return to his side of the office desk.

"Wha- how?!" He whispered in a yelling voice.

"I don't know okay!! I just found him and I can't leave a boy out in the cold, alone!" I answered I the same tone.

"Okay, do you at least know his name?" Akio asked after deeply exhaling trying to calm himself down.

"Mhm, Teucer" I shortly responded.

I suddenly felt a small tug at the bottom of my shirt.

I looked down to see Teucer looking up at me.

"Who is that man?" He spoke in a normal tone, totally oblivious to the fact that I was trying to keep him hidden.

But he's a kid. What do I expect.

I crouch down to his level and smile at him.

"This is my friend Akio" I responded quietly.

"Why are you whispering? Am I supposed to whisper too?" He asked.

As he spoke people started looking in my direction curious as to what was going on.

"I-uh no reason, just give me a few minutes to sort some things out and then I'll help you find your brother" I responded smiling.

He nodded and listened.

He was a very well mannered child, I was kind of surprised.

With that I sat down on my chair and started typing.

I know that this little boy is looking for his brother because he's explained as much on our way to the office, he also mentioned that he's from Snezhnaya 

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