Chapter 13: Decepticons

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It's Been 3 Hours and the suspense was killing Griff and Y/n.

Y/n: I told You this was a bad idea Griff

Griff: I'm Not the one who warped here by accident Ok?!? OK.

Y/n: Look when I said escape I meant...

Griff: Shit Someone's Coming!


Bumblebee then transforms back into a car avoid looking sus

Y/n: Oh Hell NO, What Do We do?!?

Griff: I Don't Know Prepare Yourself

Before Y/n could do anything he meet by the owner of the car.

???: Who Are You?

???: Who Are You?

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Y/n:........NO WAY....... I-I-I-I-I'ts Her..............Your Her...........Your..........

Y/n then faints out of excitement and awe.

Griff: Huh, Must Be Plethoral Shock I got this...

Griff then puts his hands on Y/n's head and says

Griff: Shazam...

Y/n Wakes as if nothing happened with the same smile on his face.

Y/n: It's You, Y-Y-You're Hailee Steinfeld. I'm A Huge Fan Your Work

???: Who?

Griff: If You Want the Short answer, We Are what we call Multiversal Fugitives. We're Not From Here.

???: Ok, Who exactly are two?

Y/n: Oh, I'm Y/n. This Is Griff.

???: I'm Charlie..

Y/n: Nice to meet you Haile- I mean Charlie. Sorry still getting used to your name.

Charlie: Ok, I would say nice to meet you but What are you doing in the garage

Y/n: Well try asking the man behind the slaughter.

Griff: Really...You Had to me that?

Y/n: Well You're Purple

Griff: Kid, I'm an embodiment of you and the light

Y/n: Ok, But Tell Her Why....

Griff: Ok, We accidentally warped into this dimension but we need Bee's help. Shadowkeep has been hunting us for the past 4 weeks, We Need Your help 

Charlie: ....Ok, I will help. But, Promise you won't get us involved completely

Griff: I Mean Your Already Involved but sure. What the worst that can happen

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