Chapter 48: Escape Plan

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Later In the Milano, Everyone was going over the plan.

Delsin: Okay, (Grabs Doritoes out of Doomguy's Bag of Chips) What's The Plan Star-Ward

Starlord: Okay, It's Starlord. But Here's The Plan, Rocket?

Rocket: Okay, I took a deep dive on this Blackhole Base. Apparently Shadowkeep likes to keep it's thing off Radar.

Venom: Like Tencent?

Rocket: Yeah, Like Tencent. This Blackhole Base is A Space Station/Prison. War Criminals, Fascists you name it they have em.

Delsin: (Whisper) Definitely wouldn't want to drop the Soap there...

Alita: Why Do They Call it the Blackhole?

Starlord: Rumor has it that whoever goes in never comes out.

Aloy: Well That's About to change.

Delsin: Heh, First Time For Everything

Kratos: How Do We Get In?

Starlord: Well, We've been trying to figure that out but apparently we need to fly into the air Space before doing that. Once We're inside we use the Command Deck to Find which cell block Y/n will be in.

Delsin: So Star Wars?

Ratchet: What's That?

Delsin: I Don't Know. This Plan just feels like Deja Vu Like I've Seen It Before.

Rocket: Once We Find Y/n, We'll Try and Free any other prisoners for our escape to be invisible. Then We Get The Hell Out Before It Goes Boom.

Kate: Okay, Soulds Fool Proof--Wait, Go Boom?

Rocket: I Think I left that Part out, We Need to Destroy it before they use it. Once we're out the weapons system will be offline which will lead to a Reactor Leak.

Kate: That's Reasonable...

Rocket: Any Questions

Venom: Uh, What Happens If We Don't Get Out? Just Under Circumstances what are our odds?

Clank: 0000.004% Chance Of Success

Eddie: You Shouldn't Have Asked...

Delsin: Well Odds Lie...Let's Get This Show On The Road.

Scorpion: Wait, The Time Device. How Do We Get there?

Rocket: Well Some Idiot Left this weird Crystal Thingy. Don't know who but we'll be using it.

 Don't know who but we'll be using it

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Aloy: Let's Hope No One Finds It. 

The Ship then takes off as they prepare to exit the Planets Atmosphere.

Rocket: Okay, Who Here Hasn't been to Space.

Delsin: I think it Odvious For Us, Like Red Streak, Mini Hawkeye and Arachnid Hero Here But The Rest Not So Much.  

Faith: Hey, This Is A Mystery To Me Too.

Venom: Not For Us...

Starlord: Well, Don't Barf on my Ship. Whoever does has to clean it it up.

Isaac: I Have A Bad Feeling About (Mask Comes On)

Master Chief and Doomguy: 

They then enter Slipspace as they were travelling to Another dimension

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They then enter Slipspace as they were travelling to Another dimension. They See Bright Colors as Going into a Speed that faster than Light.

(Later In Station-09)

Y/n was now in His Cell filled with dangerous Glosticks. It flash red on and off. Y/n was just hoping that the Nightmare would be over already.

???: Hey, Kid. You came Along way from the Chophouse. 

Y/n: Bloodsport?

Bloodsport: Yeah, It's Me. Been Alive and Kickin it.

Captain Price: Hey Don't Forget About Us!

Y/n: Captain Price? Wait Are those Three Junkrat, Chun Li and Big Smoke? Big Smoke Reformed?

Big Smoke: Yeah, We Got Captured in Assault.

Y/n: Assault? What Happened?

Chun Li: Gyules Attacked. Need to Get out of here but some our clients are here.

Y/n: Who Are They?

Doctor Octopus: That would Be Us.

Y/n: Ock?!

Green Goblin: It's Not the Only thing.

Y/n: Green Goblin?

Green Goblin: That Was A Different Life. It's Norman, We've Been keeping their Plans on the Radar. 

Ryu: Any way out of here?

Doctor Octopus: It's Locked Down Tight, Soldiers are swarmed here, We Can't Get You Out of here without no one noticing.

Bloodsport: Shit, We're gonna be here for a long time.

Y/n: Let's Hope We Get Out of here with our heads...

Green Goblin: Until Then We Lay Low. Notify you if anything happens.

Ryu: Thanks For Eveything though.

The Two Scientists in disguise walk away and back undercover. Little did Y/n know he was getting rescued.

(To Be Continued)

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