Chapter 46: I Broke The Multiverse

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Ghost: You Broke the Multiverse?!

Y/n: Hey It Was an Accident! So Can It, Bane!

CJ: Homie, You Have No Idea What You Just Did! You Ruined the flow of time!

Batfleck: Guys, Be Quiet.

Ghost: Zip It, Bat Stark! He Just Broke The Multiverse!

Batfleck: No Really.........Do You Hear That?

They Then Turn around to See a Deathclaw. Staring right at them It Was Massive.

Batfleck: Shit....

Ghost: Of All The Creatures in the multiverse. We Get A Deathclaw....

CJ: Oh Hell No!

Batman then Send the truck to full speed as The Deathclaw chases them. Batman weave through town. The Giant Lizard was still following them.

CJ: Can't You Lose This dick?!

Griff: You Guy's need it.

CJ: Not That One! This piece of nuke hybrid we call a lizard!

Ghost: Let me Try...

Ghost Sticks his head out to shoot but he sees a Truck from Mad Max speed by and goes back in. 

Ghost: That Was Too Close!

Batfleck: Hold On I'm gonna Shift into Overdrive!

Griff: Hold On To Your Butts!

(Just The Music Only)

The Truck then speeds into the city and the deathclaw is still chasing them. They see Chaos as they speed by. The Flash and Reverse Flash Chasing each other and Chosen Undead running from monsters. It Was A Multiverse Full Of Madness. They Crash through Buildings to lose the Deathclaw, But it was like a juggernaut and it couldn't be stopped. They Used a Ramp To Catch Distance as they were in the air they saw Superman Fighting Homelander and Pteranodons from Jurassic World. They Land on the Road again only to see Flash and Reverse Flash again but this time With Quicksilver. Chosen Undead was still running from monster but was also running from Juggernaut and Big Wheel followed by Spider Man from The TASM universe. The Truck makes a sharp turn with the two flashes before the two speedsters broke off. The Deathclaw was gaining speed as it was in a race with Firefly and The MCU Vulture. The Truck takes a short cut through an Abandoned Construction site. While Under Ground they see Captain Falcon, Capt. America Falcon and Bucky fighting 1998's Blade and Nathan Drake. 

The Truck comes back up to the surface to see the previous three behind them. The place goes up in flames as it explodes but the truck was still intacted. Vulture and Firefly survive by flying up while the Deathclaw burned. As The Truck drived through the street they see Owen Grady on a Motorcycle with Four Velociraptors behind him. They Also See A Dragon from Skyrim as it Flies by and perches on a building and breathes its fire. They Also See Nightwing Gliding and Red Rood Jumping in the air with Mystical Leap (You Know Who Those Two Are From). As If Every thing was clear and they were home free, Raiden goes flying into the truck after getting punch by Armstrong. The Vehicle rolls violently as Raiden flies over yonder. The Truck the rolls into some debris as it was no longer functional. Y/n's arms hang as he was dead.

Faith: Y/n? Y/n, wake up!


Faith: Y/n? No, No I lost you once I'm not losing you again! Just Please get up!

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