Chapter 27: The Wrath of Shao Kahn

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After explaining something the whole crisis, Y/n had now befriended the Special Forces and the others. Y/n was now with Sub Zero.

Y/n: Sorry for pulling a Bane on you...

Sub Zero: Don't Worry, I've been through worse

Y/n: Oh, So what's it like in the cold. Bet it's a walk in the park for you but us, It's a hassle.

Suddenly Three people walking into the room.

??? #1: Hey, We were called up here cause well...We assumed you needed help

We assumed you needed help

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Y/n: Takeda?!

??? #2: Wait, How do You know Takeda? You don't know him but his name.

??? #2: Wait, How do You know Takeda? You don't know him but his name

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Y/n: Wait, Your Kung Jin!

Kung Jin: Ok, Nevermind. He knows my name too...

??? #3: How Strange, I was expecting the others...But no one's Here....

But no one's Here

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Y/n: Um, Who Are you? Never seen you in the games.

??? #3: Games? What Games? And Who are You?

Y/n: I'm Y/n, Nice to Meet you...

??? #3: No...I'm Y/n, But my friends call me Skull-Face or just Skull as what...Cassie...Calls me...

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