Chapter 23: The Mad Scientist

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After hours of walking they finally found the mining rig. There was a hole in the middle of the planet that was being harvested for it's metals.

Ratchet: A mining facility? Wonder what they're mining.

Clank: It must be the metals in the planet's core.

Y/n: Like What?

Griff: Hydrocentra

Y/n: Wait that material that nearly killed me when I met Aloy?

Griff: I'm we and yes. It was the bullet.

Y/n: Wasn't expecting that.

Griff: Hey we learn something new everyday

Y/n: Yeah, "The More You Know"

Ratchet and Clank then look at Y/n confused due to no one being there.

Ratchet: Uh Y/n, Who are you... Talking to?

Y/n: ...Oh I was talking to a friend. Griff.

Clank: I don't see anyone

Griff: Oh my little I may be invisible but you can see me now

Ratchet: .... Okay I've seen it all

Y/n: How about we pay them a visit. And you might need that Omni-Wrench

Ratchet: Alright--Wait how did he know about the--

Y/n: Omni-Wrench? From a different universe. In my universe you are a Playstation video game. Now come on.

Clank: It seems that humans know more about us than we know about them.

Ratchet: Yeah, And it's strange

The trio then go into the mining rig's Ventilation where they could travel more faster. As they were in the vents Shadowkeep Soldiers we're in the control deck.

Shadowkeep Soldier #1: Hey I've been trying to Get this giant Crystal thingy

Shadowkeep Soldier #2: Let me try

Y/n and Ratchet then land on the Soldiers knocking them unconscious. Ratchet then goes to the controls and shuts off the power to the entire station

Y/n: No mining no metal

The screen then comes on showing The Doc.

Doctor Nefarious: Well, Well, Well... Ratchet and Clank.

Ratchet: Doctor Nefarious...

Doctor Nefarious: I see you've snuck past my Men via the Air duct. Very Impressive.

Y/n: Yeah, You know you could always betray Shadowkeep. Teaming up ain't really your style

Doctor Nefarious: And speaking of impressive... The Colonian in all his glory.

Y/n: Yeah I get that a lot, Doc.


Doctor Nefarious: You, What have you done! Shadowkeep Get them!

Y/n then bursts the doors open knocking a few Soldiers into the lava. Y/n's Arm then forms into a gun and starts to fire at Shadowkeep. Ratchet pulls out his Pyrocitor and shoots flames at the Soldiers as well.

They then head to the main deck to confront Nefarious.

Doctor Nefarious: All Soldiers, Mobilize on the Lombax and Colonian. No prisoners. Except for the colonian. He stays alive.

(To Be Continued)

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