Chapter 20: Necromorphs?

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Y/n then starts to hyperventilate due to the flashbacks of 2008 and 2011. He first played Dead Space at age 5 when he sneak into his father gameroom and play games. One night he played the Horror and was his biggest mistake of all. He had to sleep in his parents bedroom 5 months just to get it out of his head. But it came back.

Isaac: Y/n, Are You Ok?

Y/n: I Can't, Do this, I can't...

before Isaac could say anything, He then is swatted away by the brute who then turn his attention to Y/n. Y/n then Runs off out of fear.

(Play this for Dramatic Atmosphere) (Don't Own Music)

Y/n then runs the corridors knocking things over and out of his way. He dips and turns to avoid the Brute that wasn't chasing him. He then runs into More Necromorphs but are more monstrous.

 He then runs into More Necromorphs but are more monstrous

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Y/n: No, No, No, NO!

Y/n then runs as it starts to continue chasing him as Y/n ran.  Y/n then enters an elevator. As the box goes down. A Necromorph then crashes down inside with Y/n. He then makes a purple AK-47 and shoots the living hell out the Corspe right in the head. But it does nothing. The Box then starts to fall as they plummet to there death. Y/n then bursts through the doors and out of the elevator.

Y/n: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

He then hears more blood curdling screams from the Necromorphs. He then runs from corridor to corridor. Hoping for the best he then ran a bit too fast to the point where he tripped and ran into some railing. Y/n  then sees a Javelin Gun and Fires it at the Necromorphs. He accidentally shoot some Explosives.

Y/n: Shit!

Y/n then enters a room and rest there.

Y/n: I gotta rest, Must...Rest...

Y/n then rests as he was exhausted and falls asleep on the Hellhole of a space station.

(3 Hours Later)

Isaac had found Y/n. He was trying to wake him from his nap. But Y/n saw visions again. This more vague.

Y/n: No, No, No!

He then saw a guy with glasses and a Crowbar.

He then saw a guy with glasses and a Crowbar

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Y/n mind: Gordon Freeman?

???: Hey Crowbar Guy, You haven't said a word since we've been escorting the people of Jackson

???: Hey Crowbar Guy, You haven't said a word since we've been escorting the people of Jackson

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Y/n mind: Sonic? Whos next? Terminator? Mario? Juliet Starling?

???: Hedgehog, We've cleared the infected thanks to Juliet

Juliet: Well, If wasn't for that Shotgun of, There would be trouble

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Juliet: Well, If wasn't for that Shotgun of, There would be trouble

Juliet: Well, If wasn't for that Shotgun of, There would be trouble

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Juliet: Have John and Arthur comeback yet?

Sonic: Haven't heard from them. They Said they went after Joel and Ellie to warn them about Shadowkeep

Juliet: What about this worlds Y/n?

Time Slope Soldier: This Y/n from here. Naw. He's a complete and total pushover. Lives isolated and doesn't want to be found best to not be found.

Y/n mind: Other me's?

Y/n is then broken out of his thoughts as Isaac had woke him up. He shoots up awake as he sees Isaac.

Isaac: Kid are you ok?

Y/n: Do I look okay?!

Isaac: Hey don't get angry at me. You're the one who ran off.

Y/n: As I said you're a--

Isaac: NO! You don't get it... This isn't a game. We need to find Nicole and get of this piece of shit station.

Y/n then recognizes the name automatically knowing he played Dead Space and heard a name like that. He then broke the truth out.

Y/n: Nicole?! What do you mean "Find Her"? SHE'S DEAD!!!

Isaac then stops dead in his tracks. Those words him question about how he knew about Nicole but it broke him.

Isaac: What do you mean gone? She's alive!  And How the hell do you know about her.

Y/n: As I said: Not. From. Here.

Isaac: I don't know what game you're playing. She's alive. When we find her she's probably at the launchpad.

Y/n: Isaac, trust me. If she were alive we would've found clues of her survival or came into contact with her. For all we know she's gone.

Isaac: I don't believe you.

Y/n: to the launchpad then

The two of them go to the launchpad. Isaac had no idea what he was in for.

(To Be Continued)

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