Chapter 19: The Engineer and Chaos

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(Unknown Location)

Y/n then Steps out of an Elevator and see some Carnage. Gut on the walls and bloodied Corpses everywhere.

Y/n: ...Okay Where the hell are we?

Y/n then sees a text in blood. He's Traumatized coming to realization

Y/n: Cut Off their limbs? Cut off their limbs? ....Cut off their limbs...Make us whole again...

Griff: Make who Whole again

Y/n: Uh How much long until the watch is cooled down.

Griff: Um the first cartridge is out. We've got two left

Y/n: That's just great. Well Griff, Welcome to Dead Space.

Griff: Why is That?

Suddenly gurgling and scream are heard from these zombie like aliens

Suddenly gurgling and scream are heard from these zombie like aliens

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Y/n: That's Why

Y/n then darts off as the Zombies start to chase him. Y/n make dips turning left and right he the race to a closing blast door but one of the zombies grabs Y/n. He sends a tendrill in it's chest but nothing happened until a flash of a laser cut it's limb closing the Blast door.

???: Hey Kid, What are you doing here?

???: Hey Kid, What are you doing here?

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Y/n: No, Idea. Mr. Clarke

???: Wait, How Do You know my name?

Y/n: I have my ways.

They then hear more coming knowing it was no longer safe to stay.

???: Not the best Place to be buddy. Come lets get going.

Y/n then follows the stranger into the darkness as the echos of blood curdling screams were heard on ishumura.

Y/n: What's Your name? I mean I've played Dead Space, But never bothered to know the protagonist

???: Look, Kid. I don't know what the fuck's a...Dead Space is, but this no game. This i real kid. I don't know how you're still alive or if you're really human but; You Just stepped into Hell.

Y/n: Sorry. But What's You're Name?

???: Isaac. Isaac Clarke

Y/n: Okay Isaac. What's our plan of action.

Isaac: We Need to Get to the Launchpad and fast. This Whole place might be ready to blow any time

Y/n: Wait it's going to blow? Isaac We need to get off fast!

Isaac: Yeah I'm Working on it.

The Engineer Said as he was redoing the circuits to unlock the door. Once he finishes the door unlocks they then enter an arena like place as they both had feeling they were in for it. 

Griff: I Got a bad feeling about this

Suddenly a giant corpse comes down to the arena like place.

Suddenly a giant corpse comes down to the arena like place

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Y/n: Holy Shit!

Griff: They found it...Why Of all artifacts would they bring them back?!

Y/n: Bring Who Back?!

Griff: Necromorphs!

(To Be Continued)

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