Chapter 32: Meeting the Agents

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Y/n: --ck. You the Soldier!

Soldier (TF2): That's Right Rookie. We need you to lay waste on those Pirates

Y/n: What Pirat--Hey! What's Far Cry doing here?!

???: (Loud Muffled) Who's This?! More Friends to Play with!

???: (Loud Muffled) Who's This?! More Friends to Play with!

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Soldier (TF2): What?! No Pyro! He's On our side!

Pyro (TF2): (Muffled)  Oh, Want Some Cotton Candy?!

Pyro then hands him a Decapitated Head. Y/n looks at it in disgust.

Y/n: N-No Thanks

Pyro (TF2): (Muffled) Awwww...Well Here I go spreading Rainbows again! :)

Pyro then goes to burn the Pirates as they screamed in agony.

Y/n: Uh is he Schizophrenic or...

Soldier (TF2): We Really Don't know but, GET YOUR ASS IN THERE PUSH FORWARD!!!

(The Author: That's What She said!)

Y/n, Soldier and Pyro then Push Forward. Y/n uses a dead Pirates body as a meat shield to block the bullets that were shot at Him.

???: Big Boss is coming through!

???: Big Boss is coming through!

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Y/n: Heavy?!

Heavy (TF2): Ah, So you know who Heavy Is. What Heavy Does!

Y/n: Yes. To The Base!

Y/n then kicks down the door as Heavy sprays the room with Bullets. Meanwhile the boss was watching from the deck.

Pirate #1: Vaas, They Are overunning us. What do we do?!

Vaas: Here's What your going to do. You...Go out there and find a way to kill them. Anyone who comes back without anything...I'll put a bullet in your...Fucking Skull. Now Go! What Are You waiting get your ass out of here get them!

The Pirates go to the room to Kill them but everyone was Getting riddled with bullets.

Heavy (TF2): What Sick Man sends babies to fight me!?!

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