Chapter 50: Blackhole Escape

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Y/n Was now looking for the Cloning labs. As He was looking for Griff he Found a Armory and grabbed two Guns for some carnage.

Y/n: Okay Griff, Where Are You.

Shadowkeep Commando #1: Did You Hear About The Super Soldiers Gyules plans on making?

Shadowkeep Commando #2: Yeah, Heard They're Synchronizing The Aura and Cloning It.

Shadowkeep Commando #1: Well What Do You Know, Atleast We get some portion of power--AAAGGGHH!!

Y/n then snaps The Commando's neck making the Head backwards. He grabs the other Commando's gun and Pins him to the wall. The Commando breaks free but Y/n grabs his wrist and Twists it making his forearm face the other Way.

Shadowkeep Commando #2: MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!

Y/n: Where Are they holding griff.

Shadowkeep Commando #2: Who?

Y/n: Listen Fucktard, You Tell Me Right Now Or I Blow Your Fucking head off and turn it into spagettios!!!! Now, TELL ME MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadowkeep Commando #2: .....Do You Think I'm High?!

Y/n: Let Me Check!

Y/n Then Twist the Soldier's Leg causing him to scream in pain.

Y/n: Okay Let's Try this again. WHERE. IS. THE. AURA!!!!!

Shadowkeep Commando: Room Down the halls on your left. You'll find him there

Y/n: Thanks. You've Proven useful. But You Have worn out your worth.

Y/n then blast the guy's head off as it explodes. There was nothing but a giant hole in the helmet. Y/n Was Off To The Cloning Labs. He enters and Starts riddling the room and Soldiers with Bullets. Some of them Lost There Limbs While others had hole in there chest. As the room was cleared Y/n breaks the canister releasing a purple bog of energy.

Y/n: I Got You bud

Before Y/n could finish his sentence, He was shot in the back. The Commandos the rained a storm of bullets on Y/n. This Kills him the Aura fuzes with Y/n's body.

Shadowkeep Commando: Target Destroyed. Repeat, Target Destroyed. Sector Is Clear.

The Soldiers move in and poke the body but as they thought they were triumphant, Y/n's eyes glowed purple.

The Soldiers move in and poke the body but as they thought they were triumphant, Y/n's eyes glowed purple

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(Something Like This)

Y/n then grabs One of the Soldiers by the throat and throws him across the Room.

Shadowkeep Commando: Focus Fire on that thing!

The Soldiers fire but all that could be heard was screams of agony. Meanwhile some other Soldiers were all packed in the hall having their laser sights on.

Shadowkeep Commando #1: Hold This Position!

They then still aim there guns in the dark. They see an injured soldier running towards.

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