part 5- that darn neighbour

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A week later she was eating breakfast, preparing for her first day of school.

"I can drop you to school.." Her father spoke as he entered the kitchen, making a smoothie.

"I'll take my skateboard, it's fine.." She spoke, there has been some tension between them.

She made her way to the door, neglecting to say goodbye before she left. Recently, her father was only concerned with Mia's placement on the Ducks. She received the invite over a week ago and when she told her father, that's all he seemed to care about, all he wanted was success even if meant sacrificing his daughter's happiness.

Not that Mia didn't want to be on the team, she really did. The pressure added pressure her father hounded down on her annoyed her more than anything, it was hardly necessary of him.

As she skated to begin her sophomore Eden Hall debut, Mia felt the weight of everything thing she was carrying on her back. Not only did she have those heavy textbooks, but she also had her hockey gear.

She was attending Ducks training after all.

As she walked through the gates of her new school, she knew this was a school of pretentious asshats and daddy's girls who were striving to be the next Paris Hilton.

This was going to be insufferable.

She was informed to go to the headmaster's office, as a newbie she had to get the full tour.

"My name is Headmaster Dean Buckley, welcome to Eden Hall. I have asked that a student tour guide assistants you, she is a member of the hockey team your father mentioned you were interested in joining.." Mr Buckley explained.

Of course, her father mentioned hockey.

"I'd like you to meet Connie, she's a fellow student and Duck member, you should get right along.." He finished, revealing Connie standing behind him.

"We've actually met before, thank you, Headmaster Buckley.." Mia nodded, trying to get out of this conversation.

"You are dismissed, Ms Williams.." Mia was right, this place was pretentious.

"Right, see ya.." She shrugged, the headmaster expected more from Derek Williams little girl.

Connie walked beside her as they left the headmasters office, Mia was moving quite fast and Connie was struggling to keep up.

"Hey, wait up!" She called after the girl with the skateboard.

"Connie, hey. Do I really need a tour of this place?" Mia asked her as she let her catch up.

"Trust me, it's like a maze. A tour will only stop you from getting lost an extra one or two times.." She said, grabbing Mia's hand and beginning a tour.

She showed her around some classrooms, each story of the old building and then the sports facilities. The school's Varsity team seemed to disgust Connie, they played them last year and won, now the Warriors we're seeking revenge.

"Bombay is having our first training session after school today, you definitely have to come!" Connie said as she showed off how to get free snacks from the vending machine.

"Definitely, I brought my equipment with me, I just need to get through the day first.." Mia said, accepting the bag of chips.

"We're gonna need to get going, class and all that.." Connie gestured, "We're in the same classes, Deans in them too. You can follow me to go find them.." Connie suggested.

"I'd like that.." Mia replied, following her down the hallway.

Mia and Connie left their hockey gear in the locker rooms and threw their school bags back on their backs. Heading down the hall, Ducks we're lined at their lockers. Mia was given her locker number by the Headmaster earlier on in the day and Connie left her new friend to sort her own books.

Alone to create a new locket combination, Mia opened the bare locker and loaded books onto it. The door of the locker opened to the left, she heard the person next to it spin the code and open the metal container. Mia was too busy to make the connection of the person, or even look. But when she closed the door over, her locker neighbour was revealed.

"Oh, you've gonna be kidding me.." She dropped her forehead into the front of the locker, her head pressing against the cold metal in defeat.

"Oh come on!"

Beside her, Charlie Conway was stood, jaw open and book in hand. He wasn't at all fond of his new neighbour either.

"You go here? I was beginning to like this school.." He tutted to himself.

"And I was beginning to like my new home, then I met you.." She winked back, turning around to find Connie again.

"Wait. Where are you now? Class wise?" He asked, wanting to know if he'd have to be in her area all day long.

"I'm wherever Connie is-"

"Of course you are.." He said in defeat, realizing that meant nothing to Mia, "I'm also where Connie is.." He spoke in a frustrated tone.

Both of their days were already ruined, and it was only 8:30.

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