part 23- ice

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The frosted lake was a familiar friend to Charlie Conway.

When times became unbearable, they become friends. The November snow brought cold, a cold that froze water to ice and Charlie sat at the freezing dock. The simplicity of silence is what drew him to the location, no matter the problem, he found himself there.

He recently found himself here more and more, with someone in mind. He liked to think of hate and promise, like how he promised to despise a girl for the rest of the time. Charlie wondered what would happen to him because he broke that promise.

Everyone felt on edge seeing her hit the ground, but Charlie felt an indescribable rage. Filled by the deepest amounts of pain that simmered inside of him, biting through his soul.  He wondered if this was his own fault, had he pushed Andrew too far? apart of him wished he had never even said anything to Mia in the first place, because maybe just maybe, she would be okay.

The lake stared back at him, he knew this wallowing was pointless. His forehead possessed a fresh slash, red smeared into his face. He wondered how Andrew was. He knew that an ambulance had to take him away, which gave him a sick sense of pride. As horrible as it seemed, Charlie didn't care about how Andrew was, how he felt or how his face looked. In his mind, every punch he made was deserved.

Although he still sat at the lake, staring, hating that he wasn't brave enough to show up to the hospital. He wanted to, although for some reason he felt that his presents would be unwanted.

"Done wallowing?" A voice behind him asked.

"Go away, Connie.."

"Bombay and I are looking for Mia's dad, have you seen him?" She asked him.

"He's not at the hospital?" He swung his head back.

"No, he's been missing for so long that her aunt managed to arrive from Germany before he could take a ten-minute car ride. Let me know if you see him.." She shrugged, turning away before getting stopped.

"Is she okay?"

"She will be, before we left she woke up. Mias not gonna be able to play for a long time. I don't think she's thought of this but, there's no way she'll be playing for Team USA.." Connie explained. "You can come to see her.."

"I think I'm the last person she wants to see.." He sighed.

"Oh grow up! I've just told you that Mia has lost everything and you still find some way to make this about yourself?" She yelled.

"That's not fair Connie. This is all because I kissed her-"

"Stop it! You are so self-centred that you don't deserve to be captain! Your teammate, the one who you are basically obsessed with, had a fucking brain bleed!" She screeched, tears forming in the back of her eyes, "My best friend almost died and you find a way to make people feel bad for you?"


"Go to hell, Charlie.." She said as she left him alone with the only person who cares for him right now, his reflection.

yes this was short but it's filler chapter till i can figure out the rest of the story so what can you do? also Mia fits "You're on Your Own Kid" by taylor SOOO WELL!!! pls listen and give feedback.

I Pucking Hate You [Charlie Conway]Where stories live. Discover now