part 9- a duck and a warrior

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A week after the game, Mia and Charlie refused to look in each other's general direction.

The fact that they had to sit next to each other could have started a war because of the flame of hate that they shared. Week two of school was filled with death stares and silent murder plans, neither of the hockey players wanting to be within ten feet of each other, meaning what the teacher had in store for them wouldn't be appreciated.

It was when they were sitting in a science lecture that the news was broken to them.

"I'll be splitting you into pair projects, depending on who you are sat beside.." The teacher began to speak, clarifying each pair in the class, "Mr Conway and Ms Williams-" She spoke once she hit their pair.

Confirming their worst nightmare.

Dean couldn't help pull a smirk at the bad karma they'd provoked on each other. The amount of free joy he could get from them having to do such an important project together.

"This project will be worth 50% of your grade and so I would advise you to put in the correct amount of care and time into it!" The teacher called out and the bell went, freeing the class.

Mia shoved through the people gathered in the hallways, heading to her locker. She opened it up, swapping some books out and then hearing the locker next to her open, prompting her eyes to roll.

"I'm not failing this project because we hate each other.." Charlie shut his locker door at the same time as Mia, looking for her response.

"Neither am I. Where are we going to work on it?" Mia wanted to chock her words back down her thoughts, she wanted to chock herself so this project would never have to happen.

"My house-"

"No.." She interrupted, why would Mia willingly enter enemy territory?

"Fine, the diner. I'll be hungry after school anyways.." Charlie rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh so we have to do this today, that's more time spent with you than so could ever want.." She walked off, leaving Charlie stood alone.

Mia hopped her last few classes would go on forever. Because then she wouldn't have to end up in a diner with Charlie. Although as much as she tried to freeze time, it didn't seem to work.

Instead, Mia found herself sitting in a red leather booth across from her least favourite Conway, his Mom was so nice so she didn't know how Charlie was the man he was today.

"I'm taking a break, grabbing some food and that.." He stood up from the table and left to order.

"Thanks for offering to get me some.." She called after him, both of them rolling their eyes right on cue.

Mia sat in her own silence, the only quiet part of the busy diner and attempted to tune, everyone, around her out. Scribbling something down, she glanced and Charlie and began to wonder. Why was this going somewhat smooth? I'm supposed to hate him we're the only words that could ring in her head. Although in that moment, Mia-

"Hey, you working on something?" Her daze was interrupted by someone approaching her table.

"Andrew, how are you? Just a science project, I have to do it with stupid Conway.." She groaned, making him laugh.

"Why do you even hate him? Actually, why don't you go out with me, then I could know all about it?" He pushed out some confidence to ask the question.

"Yeah, on a date like, I really like you Mia and I think we've got a lot in common. If you give me your number, we can maybe set something up?" He asked.

"Of course yeah, give me a second.." Mia smiled, grabbing a loose page to scribble the number down.

"I've got to pick up lunch from my dad's lunch but, I'll see you around Mia.."

"Yeah, see you soon Andrew.."

Charlie was stood next to his mother, clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth. Casey noticed it, well she notices everything, deciding that her son was a complete idiot.

"Your staring.." She teased him.

"She's gonna date the enemy.." Charlie said spitefully.

"Is that a problem?" She smiled.

"Well he's varsity, of course, it's a problem.."

"It's none of your business Charlie, let the girl have her own life.." Casey advised him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever.." He didn't listen, took his food and sat back down.

Mia didn't bring it up, she waiting for Charlie to say it because come on, it's the guy who can't stay out of anyone life.

"Conversing with the enemy?" He said after a few moments of silence.

"At least someone wants to date me.." She said, not even staring at him.

"You do know he-"

"You do know I don't care for your opinion and as long as you want to express this shit one, I'm out.." Mia gathered her things, preparing to leave.

"What?! We're not-"

"Bye, have fun!" She left before he could tell her everything wrong with her.

Charlie was left wondering what he did wrong, although Casey who was sitting at the counters knew and she was about to let him know what was wrong with him.

I Pucking Hate You [Charlie Conway]Where stories live. Discover now