Halloween special

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A/N- this has nothing to do with the plot of the original storyline. In this au Beckett and toby are dating officially and live together with Liam. Also sorry it's a month late. There is mention of self-harm I will put an asterisk before it starts.

"TRICK OR TREAT" the kids at the door yelled. Giving them a smile i pull out the bowl that was behind my back. Inside of it was worms, fake of course, with bars of candy mixed in it. Upon seeing the worms in the bowl they screamed and ran away.

Laughing to myself I close the door and went to the living room to go sit down. Beckett had taken Lee out trick-or-treating so I was home alone waiting for them to get back. Just as I sat down the door opened.

Bursting through the door was lee in his Freddy Krueger costume. As much as I hated scary things, lee loved it. "Bee! Look how much candy I got! They all gave me full candy bars." Snickering i reminded myself how at my parents' neighborhood they didn't do Halloween so we didn't celebrate it much. But I was glad lee was able to enjoy it this year and hopefully the next years to come.

"Wow! You better share with me" I say in a mock stern tone. Lee's nods super fast before going rushing upstairs to his room I'm assuming. I did after all tell him we would watch a movie of his choosing when he got back. Laughing I turn to Beckett who still standing at the door watching me with a soft smile.

"He wasn't too much trouble was he?" Beckett just shakes his head.

"No it was actually fun, your brother told me some interesting things about you" my smile drops from my face just thinking about all the things lee could've told him.

"Come on, let go up, he's not gonna wait forever you know," he smirks passing by me to go up the stairs knowing I'm going to be worrying all night about it.

Deciding to worry about it tomorrow I follow Beckett. As soon as I enter the room I can't help but notice the movie lee chose. Nightmare on Elm Street. Of course, I wasn't that surprised but I had hoped he would choose something else. Making my way onto the bed to join the two who were waiting. They had left a small space between them, which I'm assuming is for me.

Once I get in the bed and we were all comfortable with me in Beckett's arms spooning and lee in mine, we start the movie. We were halfway through the movie when I smelt something. "Hey do yall smell that?"

They both sniffed a little bit before saying no. Putting my focus back onto the movie I still smell it and have noticed its stronger than before. "Guys can you actually not smell that?"

"I smell nothing? What's it smell like to you?" It was then that I noticed exactly what I was smelling.

"It smells like something burning!"

Jumping out of bed I ignore Becketts and lees confused calls and rushed to the bedroom door. I had just grabbed the handle when I felt my hand burn. "What the fuck."

I touched the handle again only to get the same results. It was then I saw the smoke underneath the door that came into the room. Oh no.

"Guys there's fire we need to leave! Open the window." Beckett immediately jumped to action and tried to open the window.

"Dammit! I sealed this window a couple of months ago before we met." He was saying some other things but time had frozen for me. We were trapped. Stuck with nowhere to go and a fire that doesn't seem like stopping anything soon.

I was broken out of my trance when becket comes over and starts shaking my shoulder. "Snap out of it. Do you have your phone? Call 911."

That got me moving.

Pulling my phone out I do as told. "Hello, this is 911. How can we help you?"

"There's a fire and we're trapped!"

"Ok, sir can you confirm your address for me."

I list off Beckett address. "Ok sir there's been a series of previous prank calls earlier this week we will send a unit down to confirm but it will be a while."

"No, this isn't a joke!" I cried. I didn't even know what prank calks they were talking about.

"In sorry sir but this is the 5th call we've had come from this house about a fire and each time we've sent a unit there's been no fire."

I didn't get to hear or respond to what she said because the next thing I knew the floor gave out beneath us. One moment I was upstairs and then next I was downstairs laying on the floor feeling heat all around me and people yelling my name.

"BEE HELP ME PLEASE!" I let out a groan but forced myself to open my eyes and looked to my left where I heard the voice. I wished I didn't.

Lee was burning. He was on fire. I couldn't move even if I wanted to it felt like my body wasn't my own. I didn't know where Beckett was but all I could focus on was Lee's screams of pain and hopeless yells of my name. Until they stopped. I wasn't sure if it was because the flames had reached me or if it was too late for lee. But I didn't fight it when I started to lose consciousness.

When I woke up next instead of Lee's screams I heard a beeping noise. I notice there's also a scratching noise like pencil against paper. whoever was writing must've noticed I was conscious. "Doctor he's awoken!"

By now I had woken up and realized I was in a hospital. I was saved! My eyes started to get watery, I was just so glad I was still alive. I went to move my hands to wipe them but they were restrained. "What the fuck" I croaked out.

I was just about to question the nurse when the doctor walked in. "Hello sir, I'm Dr. mockery I will be taking care of you during your stay here."

"When can I be released?" I just wanted out. I wanted to see Beckett and lee. Actually, I needed to see them.

"I'm sorry to have to say this but you've actually been diagnosed with Fatal familial Insomia. It's a genetic condition where you can't sleep so you began to hallucinate and eventually die from lack of sleep. We recommend you stay here until you meet the end.

It all came rushing back to me then. Those past calls the 911 operator was talking about were from me. I had hallucinated the fires when really there was nothing there. Each time I had blacked out so I had no memory of it ever happening. This time was real though, there was a fire.

"Wait what about lee and Beckett. Have they come to visit me or are they also here?"

The doctor hesitated. "I'm sorry, but they did find the remains of two bodies. I'm afraid they were dead before the fire started though."

Before the fire? But they were trapped with me. "What do you mean?"

"Look, the reason you have restraints on is that you had a knife covered with blood. Blood from the bodies the paramedics discovered."

For the second time this day, my heart stopped. I killed them. I killed my little brother and the love of my life. The doctor must've taken my silence as a queue to leave and left me alone with my thoughts.

I can't believe this is happening. I rested my head on the pillow below me looking to my left. There was a food of plate with utensils. Including a knife.


I wasn't sure how I was supposed to even eat much less grab the knife with my hands restrained but that was solved when the nurse came back in.

"Am I allowed to be freed to eat?" I hoped my voice didn't sound as weak and heartbroken as I felt. The nurse gave me a smile and called a security guard into the room to unluck the restraints.

Finally free, I waited for them to leave before grabbing the knife. If I was going to die anyway because of the disease I might as well hurry up the process. Gripping the knife I pressed it against my wrist and without second-guessing myself I pressed down.

The end 

A/N - this is so rushed but it was already a month late and I wanted to be done with it lol. I'll start updating weekly soon I'm currently about to move in a couple of weeks but after that I'm all yours!

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