meeting colby's parents headcannon

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requested by anonymous: Can you do a headcannon for Colby please where introduces the reader to his parents for the first time? Thank you!

this one is so wholesome and sweet ! hopefully you guys like it <3


- colby has never introduced anyone to his parents before. besides old girlfriends from when he was kid (which to him don't count), he hasn't introduced any girl to them

- and not because there weren't some valid candidates, it's just he wasn't ready to introduce anyone to his family yet

- he loves his family dearly and wants the first girl he introduces them to to be amazing

- plus a step like that... means this man is way more than serious about you

- so when he met you, and had that gut feeling that you and his family would get along well, he knew he was in trouble

- because that was the moment he knew he was gonna love you the rest of his life

- it took a long time for him to finally introduce you to his family regardless of this gut feeling

- because he needed to be sure you were gonna stay, be with him, and love him the same way he loves you

- jokes on him, you love him more so :P

- when he finally brings up the question of meeting his family, he's almost hoped that you say no, just so he can wait a bit longer

- but you say yes, knowing you need to meet his mom at the very least

- this man goes on about his mom being the best and being just like him, so you need to see how true that is

-plus you want to meet the woman he loves so much :)

- let's fast forward to the day:

- both of you would be crazy nervous

- colby literally became a recluse the week before taking you on this trip

- he just wants his mom to like you, and you are in the same boat as him

- you get to their house in arizona, and his mom answers the door; bright eyed and smiling

- she ushered you guys into the living room, giving colby a sweet hug as koki and foxy run up to you, sniffing you like crazy

- they are both so sweet and are just the cutest

- his mom made dinner, and during that dinner is when you would meet his dad and brother

- gage is literally so cool and dorky. basically like colby haha

- and his dad is a lot more reserved, keeping mostly to himself and watching you interact with everyone

- so... does his mom like you?

- of course she does :)

- she was obviously hesitant about you at first, because after all this is her baby and she wouldn't want him to be with just anyone

- but she knew you were perfect for him the moment she asked how you guys met

- your face lit up talking about him and how much you were infatuated with him the moment you met

- the way you talked about your guys' love was instant approval in her book. she knew you loved him (not as much as her, of course) but she knew how deeply you cared for him too

- and that's all she could want for her cole-baby :,)

- his dad liked you to. you seemed good enough for his son, and colby was happy to have you in his life. so, he couldn't have asked for more

- gage liked you too. actually, he thought you were way cooler than his brother but if you were okay with settling, then he was happy you were with him lol

- before you guys left, his mom gave you a big hug, and that's when you knew she approved of you

- after dinner you guys went back to your hotel room and just immediately collapsed

- colby later talked to his mom on the phone, got all the details of how she felt about you

- he couldn't stop smiling knowing everyone loved you

- cuddling with you in bed later that night, he truly felt content for the first time in a long time

- he knew this could last, and that he finally found someone he could be with for the rest of his life

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