the monster // s.g. (blurb)

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written during my "13 nights of halloween" on tumblr

prompt: sam as the monster from frankenstein || reader x sam golbach

POV: Second person, gender-neutral pronouns

word count: 272


you had heard whispers of a story: a scary creature living in the forest near your town. you didn't think much of it. but you had heard your neighbors speak of this monster. it was terrifying, and ugly. a hideous beast that somehow looked human. but only barely. scars and cuts covered its body, its face only held together by stitches and staples.

how could such a being exist?

you wanted to see the creature for yourself. you wanted to know if the stories were true. but the monster only came out at night, so you waited. you found yourself counting the minutes down until night fall. then finally, you descended into the forest. you knew you were deep into the forest when you could no longer see the light of your house. the only light was the shine of the moon through the trees.

you waited in the forest for what felt like hours. and you were ready to give up hope. but suddenly you could hear the cracks of branches and rustling of leaves, and you knew something was near you. you peaked out from behind a tree, and there it was a man. dark and dirty clothes covered its skin. it was picking up branches from fallen trees, carrying them under his arm. he turned towards you, but he didn't see you from behind the tree. you finally saw his face as the moon illuminated his skin.

he was beautifully imperfect. there was no hint of monster on his face. he was just a man; a man with a story.

and you desperately wanted to know it.

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