...wait a minute, who are you?

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"Reporting on-site of Musutafu, Japan. Five golden shooting stars soared in the skies earlier today and they landed in different parts of the Shizuoka Prefecture. Crashing on land, it made a crater and erupted in smoke. An hour from the crash landing and the smoke still has not dissipated and has been obscuring whatever it was that crashed out of view. Two have landed extremely close to the UA school, pro-heroes from the school have been dispatched and ready to uncover whatever appeared. The important question is: Are these five golden shooting stars related to the mechanical robots that have been devastating Japan?"

Aizawa sighs, it's like he could never catch a break. He glances from the television and to the five (and a half?) people they extracted from the meteor site. Aizawa wasn't sure if "meteor site" was accurate but he didn't know what else to call it. He wasn't sure there was even a term for people falling out of the sky. UA was immediately on-site for the meteors that landed close to the school, two of them landed on the gates. UA could only assume it was an attack from the Villain League. After all, all their problems had stemmed from them, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think this one was as well.

So, imagine the surprise Aizawa and the fellow teachers had when all they got was five 1/2 unconscious people in the epicenter of it all. All of them were unharmed, not a single scratch or bruise one might expect when a person falls out of the sky. The UA teachers cuffed these perpetrators to their hospital beds but to make sure none of them escapes, Aizawa was put on guard by Principal Nezu while the principal calmed the media and gave some vague explanations.  They needed more information first before they can assume these people are criminals and not just innocent bystanders.

He observes the five and a half people. One was in a three-piece suit, dark hair tipped with amber, the one on the man's right had bright orange hair in gray clothes. The one in the middle was a kid, Aizawa guessed around 15 or 16, with tattoos all over their arm. The last one on the far left was the first golden meteor that fell from the sky.  He was a male with blonde hair braided behind him.

Aizawa was still not sure if the little fairy...thing was a human or some stuffed toy by the blonde one. Contrary to the others, the thing did not have a meteor itself but came with the blonde. Aizawa sighs once more, all day that seemed to be the only thing he had been doing. Aizawa hears a grumble of "where am I?"

He looks over to the meteor people, he sees the blonde traveler startle awake. His eyes landed on the fairy thing beside him that had a mini-bed and was also cuffed to it. He tries to stand up only to find himself cuffed to the bed. 

"Paimon? FUCK-" The blonde struggles some more pulling on the cuffs before materializing a sword. 'Was that his quirk?' The cuff limits his mobility but it doesn't stop the blonde from thrashing around in panic.

"Hey! Hey kid!" Aizawa brings up his hand in a 'surrender' motion to show no harm. The blonde's attention snaps toward him and he glares at Aizawa.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where is this place? Fontaine? Sumeru? Snezhnaya?" Aether knows Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma like the back of his hand. The 100% exploration progress should speak for itself and he knows that this place does not belong to any of those three countries.

"I assure you this is not Snoozhy- whatever it is. This place is none of those" Aizawa had an inkling they were not from here, judging by their clothes. Although the two taller men had somehow normal clothes, the two shorter ones had odd clothes. He thought this might be some pro-hero or even villain clothes but it seemed increasingly unlikely . "This is Musutafu. In Japan. You're currently in UA High."

The blonde only furrows his brows at that. "Where in Teyvat is that?"

'Teyvat?' Aizawa has never heard any place like a Teyvat, "What's a Teyvat?"

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