sumimasen, what the fuck?

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Zhongli knocks at the door three times before opening it, he walks in to Childe scrambling to put a shirt on. The redhead glares, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhongli's brow raises before realizing his face must have had a gloomy expression, he tries to school it back to a calm look but fails instead his brow furrows back as he looks back in distaste at Childe's snappy attitude.

Childe looks at Zhongli and frowns, "Did I do something? I didn't do it"

Zhongli barely holds back in sneering, how dare he look so oblivious as if he had just not accepted another confession in front of his husband."Childe, let's go through a hypothetical situation"


"If you were confessed to and you said yes, what should I do?"

"Pray tell, why are we even talking about this?"

Zhongli narrows his eyes,"I talked to Xiao"

"So?" Childe groans frustrated, fighting the urge to throw a pillow at Zhongli.

"I have to talk to you now"

"Get to the point " Childe snaps, "If you're not going to say anything worth my time then get the fuck out "

"How dare you act like you don't know what I'm talking about" The ex-geo archon takes an intimidating step forward.

Childe rolls his eyes, "Because I don't ?"

Zhongli's jaw drops, offended at the nonchalance Childe handles himself with like Zhongli's entire world wasn't about to break. His hands tremble in fury, how dare he act like nothing's wrong, Zhongli breathes erratically. The anger in him seemed to grow and he wanted to lash out but he didn't know how to express himself. He couldn't decide if he wanted to scream, throw a meteor or cry at the almost boredom Childe exudes. The words get lost in his throat like something was lodged in it preventing anything from spilling.

He hasn't felt this way since Guizhong died. This helplessness. This desperation. This hurt. It all amplifies in his empty chest that holds no living heart yet a heart all the same. A familiar ache, one Zhongli greets like an old enemy. All the things he planned to scream, to shout, and get mad about is forgotten in a second.

'Will he leave like Guizhong and everyone else I used to hold dear?', He trembles pathetically as he glares at Childe. Fear strikes into his heart. He recalls his husband's past callousness and muses if it would hurt Childe as much as it would hurt him if he ever left. Zhongli don't think he wants to find out.

Childe stares at the other looking extremely reluctant, sighs, before softening and walking toward Zhongli grumbling 'can't believe you're making me do this while I'm mad at you'.  He's cursing himself in his mind, he had resolved to not talk to Zhongli for at least few more days but his heart couldn't help but soften seeing the usually stoic man shaken up and trembling. He stops in front of Zhongli and takes his shaking hands in his hold, " Zolotse , breathe"

Childe inhales and exhales in time with Zhongli and after a few minutes, Zhongli calms down enough to stop shaking. Childe wraps his arms around the amber-eyed man before knocking their foreheads together gently,"Tell me what's wrong, talk to me lyubimiy , I am many things but I'm not a mindreader"

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