will he

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Childe had long stormed off with Aether quickly following him. Xiao had taken to stand outside the conference room door to give Zhongli privacy. Zhongli stares off into space. An empty look and a blank mind. He wanted to run after Childe. But the man himself said he wanted a break. So he stayed rooted on the spot.

Zhongli's heart aches. Wonders if he was wrong. He had been so determined he was right yet he feels like a crumpled up piece of paper thrown to the side.  Zhongli fidgets with his ring, he looks at the diamond bright enough to blind someone and remembers Childe's smile that was even brighter when the man put it on him. If he wasn't a god that has gone through countless tragedies in the span of his life, maybe he would've cried. He didn't but it was close.

Not that anyone but him remembers.

'If I don't remember anything that happened then did it even happen at all'

If only Childe could recall the events of their marriage he would understand. The look Childe had in his eyes. His promises, his proclamation of love and later, his whisper of devotion. Zhongli's eyes light up, 'That's it!'

Zhongli will explain how they get married, it might not solve anything but Childe might understand at least where Zhongli's coming from.

He stands up, determined, swinging the door open ready to run after Childe. Only to come face to face with Aizawa. The teacher raises his brow, "Are you escaping too?"

Zhongli furrows his brows, "No. I must go."

"You can't. Get back in there. And you three, get to your seats as well. We're going to talk" Aizawa calls to the people behind him. Aether and Xiao were bowing their heads like they had been scolded, which Aizawa had most likely done. Childe in the very back, crossing his arms and refusing to meet eyes with Zhongli. The only evidence of his breakdown was the slight puffiness of his eyes and the tinge of red on the tip of his nose.

"Childe" Zhongli calls out meekly, yet he was ignored as Childe walked past him to sit on the far end of the table.

"So, all of you already know why I called you here" Aizawa looks pointedly at Childe, "Care to explain?"

"Explain what?" Xiao growls, "Can we do this later, mortal? My lord and his spouse need to talk first."

"You can do that later," Aizawa snaps back, "Aether, want to explain?"

Aether sighs, of course, he has to do it. Of fucking course, all these dumbasses he's with can't socialize even if their life depended on it. Might as well rip the metaphorical bandaid quickly, "Childe's in the military in our world. He's bound to kill a few people."

Aizawa looks at them seriously, massaging his temples, "So. Are you good or bad?"

"Well...that's-" Aether fumbles for words to explain how complicated that question was, "It's not as easy as black and white. We're all people fighting for what we believe in."

"So, how can I trust you to not kill people here? I don't know about morals in your world but killing is bad. Very bad. Not allowed. Illegal. Worse than the worst."

Aether and Aizawa pointedly stare at Childe.

"What!? I didn't do anything!" Childe protests, "I'm not gonna... well, I might threaten them but I won't actually kill them! Well, actually I might kill people but only bad ones!"

"No. You can't kill anyone." Aizawa states firmly, "Bad or good. No killing."

"Fine. But can I at least beat them up very badly?"

"Fine, but nothing more." Aizawa agrees. Even if the redhead tried to do something, he trusts Aether enough to stop him. Which is weird. He barely knows the kid but something about him just tells Aizawa that he won't betray his trust.

Aizawa can't find it in himself to tell on them for killing in the past. Yes, it did bother Aizawa but they aren't from his world. He can't just start judging them based on standards from his own world. That doesn't mean he won't make it clear, that murder is not allowed in this world.

If they're going to stay they're going to have to follow some rules.

"Okay, dismissed. I trust you all to keep your word"


"Childe", Zhongli calls out to the redhead in front of him. He had been trailing after him for a few minutes.




"Holy fucking hell, what!?" Childe snaps, turning red with anger. "You really can't give me space can you?"

"I just... want to say something"

"Great. Can't wait for a fucking day? You really don't listen to me, do you? You really don't care about my feelings do you?"

"No, Childe, that's not true. You know that's not true." Zhongli reaches to hold Childe's hand.

"Do I?" Childe shrieks hysterically, dodging Zhongli's grasp, "Cause it doesn't seem like it."

Childe sighs, "Zhongli. I love you but right now, just leave me alone. I just really need to think. Save whatever you're going to say for later"

Zhongli stares at Childe's back as he gets further and further away.


Aether observes Xiao. The pout on his lips and the hardened gaze. They didn't mean to eavesdrop but Childe's high-pitched screaming wasn't easy to ignore. "You aren't going to skewer Childe with your spear?"

"Hmph. I will. He made Dijun sad. I'm going to murder him and feed his remains to the pig. He wouldn't even give Dijun a chance to explain. How dare a mortal raise his voice towards my lord." Xiao glares, "I knew they shouldn't have married."

"But..?" Aether asks after all, isn't Xiao still here and not trying to fasten Childe's death?

"I will let this go," Aether tears up, Xiao had truly grown up. Xiao understood where Childe was coming from and became sympathetic. He didn't just mindlessly blame it all on one side, "- As long as he stays away from Dijun and never comes near him again"

Aether's tears went back into his eyes.

Of course, it was too much for Aether to hope that Xiao would be more understanding towards Childe. All of Xiao's reluctant approval was thrown out the window once the yaksha saw the trainwreck that was Zhongli and Childe's relationship.

Aether really wants to strangle someone. Now, they're all back to square one.



1. Art is @sami_jen on Twitter. Heal yourself with the fanart

2. Yeah, I was going to make Xiao understand Childe but like nah, that would be too easy. I development then I might as well end the fanfic right? I mean if there's no conflict and no more character development you might as well end the story cause then there would be no more purpose.  (Edit: I just want drama idk why I even tried to make some deep justification. It's me I'm the problem)

3. Headcanon: I think Aizawa would be understanding. I just picture him as a mature and open-minded person. I feel like he wouldn't judge them based on the standards of his world (Just like how you shouldn't judge another country based on your own country's standards :D)

Edit as of 12.08.2023: "So he stayed rooted on the spot" until "He stands up, determined" is changed to current.

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