Chapter 4

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

"And quick, quick, slow," Gigi finished, watching Liam and I complete another turning step. "Good. Now I want you to work on your promenade. That's a key step in the tango and you're going to need it."

We nodded and she left and Liam took me in his arms again. I tried to ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach as he danced with me.

"So I was thinking we should practice outside of these classes," Liam said as we danced.

"Why?" I asked. "I think we're doing fine."

I was lying. Liam was still struggling, even this being his third week.

"Don't kid yourself," he snorted. "I'm horrible right now. But that's why I think practicing more would help."

"And where do you suggest we do this?" I asked.

"My house."

I looked at him sharply. He had to be joking.

"Well I have a room I had turned into a dance room for my ex-girlfriend," he explained. "We can use that."

I looked at him as we stopped moving. I really didn't think this was a good idea. It was hard enough for me to control what happened to me when we were dancing here, but in his house alone? No way. Then there was the fact he was a mega-star so his house was sure to be nice and big and fancy, compared to my tiny, messy flat.

And yet I heard myself say, "When do you want me to come?"

"Saturday at around 1? I can have lunch for you if you want," he answered casually even as I saw his eyes light up.

"Sure," I sighed. "Now come on you aren't controlling me right when we do the promenade."

We continued to work and finally at the end of class we had perfected it.

"Alright Liam and Isabelle," Gigi said. "Next week I'll have the beginning part of your routine set up. You'll have your whole routine done. Keep practicing on your own though OK?"

"Got it," I said walking over to my bag and taking off my dance shoes.

"Here," I heard Liam say and I looked up to see him handing me his phone. "Give me your number. I can text you directions to my house."

I sighed and took his phone from him, entering my name into his contacts along with my number before handing it back.

"See you Saturday," he smiled before he began to walk out.

I felt my heart begin to pound faster and my stomach twist in knots even as I rolled my eyes. I was playing the part of a stubborn dance partner who was being forced to go to her partner's house to practice.

But why did it make me so happy I got to see him outside of class?

Liam's P.O.V.

I sighed as the door snapped shut behind me and I began to walk the short distance to my flat. She definitely didn't like me. The look on her face when I asked her to practice at my place on Saturday, she detested me. When I had smiled at her as I walked out, the eyeroll made it clear that she still wasn't warming up to me.

But she had accepted. She was coming over to my flat and we were going to be alone for a few hours. That made my heart feel light and my stomach fill with butterflies.

Brit came bounding to me as I opened the door. I smiled and began to pet her head as her eyes closed and her tail whipped through the air.

I sighed and pulled out my phone.

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