Chapter 12

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Liam's P.O.V.

She turned and ran down the street. She turned the corner and then she was gone. I wanted to claw my eyes out. What had I been thinking, forcing myself on her like that? But the way her lips felt on mine, the way she felt in my arms as I kissed her, that overpowered any feelings of regret that I could be having.

"I'll see you guys later," I said grabbing my phone from the table.

"Bye Liam," Claire called as I left. I walked quickly to Zayn and Delia's and banged on the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Gee get your panties out of a- oh hi Liam," Delia said as she opened the door. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you," I said. "It's important."

"OK come in," she said. "Tea?"

"Sure," I said sitting on their couch and running a hand over my face.

"OK what happened?" she asked, handing me a mug and tucking her legs underneath her.

"I kissed Isabelle," I said.

She coughed as she choked on her tea. "What?" she finally gasped out. "When?"

"Like five minutes ago," I said. "She came to Claire and Harry's to give Claire's sweats back and when she left I ran after her. I told her I really liked her and then I just...kissed her."

"And?" she asked.

I sighed. "And she pushed me away and then left."

"Yikes that doesn't sound good," she said.

"Yeah no kidding. What do I do?"

"There's nothing you can do right now. You need to give her some space, give her time," Delia advised. "She's probably confused, she might even be a little scared, so you can't push yourself on her again or she'll hate you."

"And what about on Thursday?" I asked. "I have to see her at dance."

She nodded. "That's bound to be awkward. But you know what, don't bring it up, let her talk about it at her own timing. Don't force her into anything. That will push her back into the mindset she first had of you."

I nodded and continued to take her "womanly advice" as she called it. As I walked back to my own flat, I thought about how nice it would be if it was our flat again. Not me and Dani's, but me and Isabelle's. It would be nice to have someone to share things with, just to be with in general. I missed that feeling of having someone in that way, having someone there with me day after day and being able to go home to them, to hold them in my arms and love them. I wanted Isabelle in that way.

Screw that, I just wanted Isabelle in general. I wanted to know she cared about me, I wanted to care about her in return. I wanted to go away on band business and have her there with Claire, Danielle, Eleanor, and Delia when I came back. I didn't want to be the awkward ninth wheel when we were all together anymore. I just wanted her to be with me.

I just wanted to not be so lonely anymore.

Isabelle's P.O.V.

I got home from work that night and didn't even bother to take off my work clothes before flopping on my bed and letting the events of this morning sink in.

Liam and I had kissed. Just that memory made a huge grin break out onto my face. I took myself back to the street where he took me in his arms and his lips had met mine. The kiss was perfect. I could still feel his soft, perfect lips moving with mine as his hands brought me closer to him and my body pressed against him.

Why had I pushed him away? What had made me force him off of me? And then I knew.

Scared of my feelings, scared of what could happen, scared of being hurt, I pushed him away. I knew he wasn't the man I first thought he was, but that didn't mean I couldn't get hurt still. I didn't want to be hurt. I didn't want to be deserted again. I didn't want to be just a memory like I had been for my mum.

I was almost positive Liam wasn't like that, but I couldn't be too sure either. I knew that the possibility of getting hurt wasn't lower simply because it was Liam.

Was I ready to accept my feelings for him and tell him, be with him maybe?

I stepped up to Liam and he took me in his arms. We began to dance to the slow beat coming from the speakers. The Rumba was proving to be easy in movement, but you really needed to show feeling.

"I need to talk to you," I said to Liam as Gigi made her rounds helping couples. "Do you have time to grab coffee after?"

"Sure," he smiled before he led me in an under arm turn. We finished the lesson and then we walked to a café down the street. We ordered coffee and sat down across from each other.

"So uh...what's up?" Liam asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about...about that kiss," I said, not meeting his eyes.

"OK," he said. "What about it?"

"Well deserve to know why I just...ran away."

He was silent, waiting for me to continue.

"I was scared," I finally whispered.

"Scared?" he asked. "Of what?"

"I was scared that...everything was going to turn out the way it did when my mum left," I said. "She just deserted me, left me to fend for myself."

"You know I'd never do that to you," he said putting his hand over mine. I shivered at his touch as he continued, "And I know the rest of them wouldn't let me if I tried. Especially Delia. She'd kill me. Literally."

I laughed a little and said, "But you're going to be gone all the time and...and if you met someone else and just ditched me..."

"I would never, ever just ditch you like that," he assured me. This time, I did look up into his eyes. His warm chocolate gaze was looking at me with such truth; I couldn't help but believe everything he was telling me. Liam would never just desert me. "Why are you so worried about that?"

"Because I," I stopped. Was I ready to tell him? Was I ready to possibly make the next step in our relationship, ready to possibly get hurt? "I really like you too," I heard myself say.

He looked surprised at first, but then he broke out into a huge grin. He brought the hand he was holding to his lips and gingerly kissed it. I blushed and looked down. I couldn't believe I had just admitted it to him. I was never open about my feelings to anyone, not even mum. She didn't deserve to know, not after abandoning me.

But Liam wasn't just anyone. Liam was Liam, and Liam had changed me. I knew I could trust him and I knew he would keep his promise never to hurt me. He wasn't the kind of guy to lead you on with lies, use you as his play toy and then just drop you. He was honest, he was kind, he was selfless.

"So Isabelle," he said after a moment.

I looked up at him.

"Would you do me the greatest pleasure of being your boyfriend?" he asked with a kind smile.

I smiled shyly and nodded. His smile turned into a huge grin as his eyes lit up in pure joy. I had made him happy. And that made me happy.

That night as I got home and relaxed, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I had found my Prince Charming that every girl dreamed about. I finally had my Cinderella story. And I had proved to the world that you didn't have to be stick thin to be Cinderella, that you didn't have to be a twig to find happiness. I had found where I belonged.

I belonged with Liam.

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